trytouca | lost-pixel | |
6 | 33 | |
502 | 1,397 | |
0.2% | 1.5% | |
5.7 | 8.5 | |
6 months ago | 7 days ago | |
TypeScript | TypeScript | |
Apache License 2.0 | MIT License |
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Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.
Touca: a new way to find unintended side-effects of day-to-day code changes
Hi Everyone, 👋🏼 I'd love to hear your unvarnished thoughts and feedback about what I've been working on full-time (all the time) for the past two years:
- Show HN: Touca – a better alternative to snapshot testing
- Show HN: Touca – open-source superior alternative to snapshot testing
Touca v2.0, open-source regression testing tool, a superior alternative to snapshot testing
Thanks for the information. Wouldn't it be easier to directly use the Server API to get the comparison results? I think this is the endpoint relevant to your use-case. Here is an example of how to interact with the API using Python.
How to debug GitHub actions. Real-world example
As an example, we will run a simple GitHub action on our front-end project. GitHub action will be the bare minimum and will execute some open-source visual regression tests on a single webpage.
Open-source visual regression testing with Vue & Histoire
Hey, r/vuejs! Over the weekend, I found out about Histoire existence and that the Vue community loves the tool. I am building a visual regression testing framework(some see it as an addition to E2E tests, and some use visual tests as smoke tests because of the ease of use), and I decided to add the first-class support of Histoire to it.
Complete guide on Playwright visual regression testing
in this case you could start experimenting with cloud solutions as this setup that you explained looks far more in the direction of a well established business(where you could afford paying for external services). we built exactly for this purpose, we don't support multiple browser runs at this stage but we already do support breakpoints. it's usually about optimising the tools for the use case(or rather converging the use case to existing tools if it makes the life of engineers easier) and I think there is no unsolvable problem when it comes to testing :D
- Visual regression testing tool
Storybook visual regression testing with Lost Pixel
- we have our engine open-sourced. You could use Lost Pixel for free outside of the Lost Pixel Platform(like loki.js)- we are not storybook tool per se(like chromatic). It allows you to compose your visual tests beyond storybook in single run- due to the nature of how we run the whole flow, we are cheaper than chromatic- chromatic is a great tool(before we wrote Lost Pixel we were using Chromatic in one my contracting gigs) but sometimes it lacks features, we want to make Lost Pixel a go to solution for visual testing, wether it be storybook, or custom testing or holistic testing.
Showoff Saturday: Lost Pixel Platform - visual regression testing for your Frontend
We have worked hard on the Lost Pixel Platform - the SaaS version of our tool. We are a small team of two working on it currently, but we already have awesome clients like and I would be excited if you try it out and give us the feedback if you will have any!
Developers, how do you test that your pages look like how the figmas look like.
Maybe you could set up in custom mode; you would make a screenshot of Figma UI & then run it over Lost Pixel visual regression testing. Hit me up, I think I might help you to get it running! u/a-friendgineer
Visual regression testing with Turborepo, Next.js & Lost Pixel
Hey, r/nextjs! I am a big fan of monorepos, using Turborepo in almost all of my projects, I am also a big fan of visual tests :D Prepared this short tutorial on how to get Turborepo running with Lost Pixel(Disclaimer: I've created this tool, it's OSS, btw)
I've build Lost Pixel Platform - visual regression testing cloud for your Frontend
Hey! We got some love some time ago here on reddit when we launched so we decided to validate our idea further and build a full fledged platform to manage your visual tests. - welcome Lost Pixel Platform! We already have large teams using it for quite a bit of time so we decided to go into Open Beta and open our work of almost 6 months to everybody! I would be super grateful for your feedback and of course I am here to answer all of your questions and just chat. We are free for Open Source projects so if you want to use our managed version for your public OSS project just drop me a message!
[Showoff Saturday] Lost Pixel Platform - visual regression testing cloud based on our open-source lost-pixel engine
Check it out - OSS at heart our platform is free for Open Source projects!
What are some alternatives?
merge-to-earn - The reward system for open source development
histoire - ⚡ Fast and beautiful interactive component playgrounds, powered by Vite
touca-js - Touca SDK for JavaScript
actions-workflow-samples - Help developers to easily get started with GitHub Action workflows to deploy to Azure
best - :trophy: Delightful Benchmarking & Performance Testing
superflows - Open-source toolkit to build an AI copilot for SaaS products
Hoppscotch - Open source API development ecosystem.
clobbr - ⚡️ A tool to check the speed and resilience of your API endpoints against multiple parallel or sequence requests.
scooby - UI regression and fidelity testing framework
reporter - TSDoc Test Reporter is a test reporter that attaches TSDoc comments to your test results. It enables you to attach metadata to your unit tests in the form of comments.
gh-jester - Github action to run Jest tests and automatically posts the results into your PR/commit