swiftplot | matplotplusplus | |
1 | 26 | |
397 | 4,195 | |
- | - | |
0.0 | 3.7 | |
over 2 years ago | 6 days ago | |
C++ | C++ | |
Apache License 2.0 | MIT License |
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Does anyone know a swift library to help me contour plot something like this? It’s basically f(x, y) plotted on 2D using contours and colours to emulate 3D Z-coordinate
A more native solution would be Swiftplot, though that may not be as feature rich.
Creating k-NN with C++ (from Scratch)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5) project(knn_cpp CXX) # Set up C++ version and properties include(CheckIncludeFileCXX) check_include_file_cxx(any HAS_ANY) check_include_file_cxx(string_view HAS_STRING_VIEW) check_include_file_cxx(coroutine HAS_COROUTINE) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 20) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) set(CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF) # Copy data file to build directory file(COPY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/iris.data DESTINATION ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) # Download library usinng FetchContent include(FetchContent) FetchContent_Declare(matplotplusplus GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/alandefreitas/matplotplusplus GIT_TAG origin/master) FetchContent_GetProperties(matplotplusplus) if(NOT matplotplusplus_POPULATED) FetchContent_Populate(matplotplusplus) add_subdirectory(${matplotplusplus_SOURCE_DIR} ${matplotplusplus_BINARY_DIR} EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) endif() FetchContent_Declare( fmt GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt.git GIT_TAG 7.1.3 # Adjust the version as needed ) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(fmt) # Add executable and link project libraries and folders add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} main.cc) target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC matplot fmt::fmt) aux_source_directory(lib LIB_SRC) target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) target_sources(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE ${LIB_SRC}) add_subdirectory(tests)
Help making plot for experiment
If you want a C++ solution you can use a library like matplot++.
Widely-used graphics library
If you want a strict C++ equivalent to SDL the clear answer is SFML. If you just want to visualize 2D/3D data there's matplot++. If you want something slightly higher-level than SDL/SFML (with pre-made UI widgets and such) there's imGUI. If you need an all-in-one GUI solution for desktop or mobile apps there's Qt.
Embedding matplotlibcpp plot into QT QWidget
If not, then ditch Python and matplotlib and use a different C++ native plotting framework such as matplot++
Best Library to Visualize Mathematical Concepts
The best way to visualize most mathematical concepts is by plotting a 2D graph. To do that you can use e.g. Matplot++
- Update on C++ DataFrame project
How to implement Matplotlib in C++
If you just want to plot graphs in C++ check out https://alandefreitas.github.io/matplotplusplus/. There is extensive documentation on how to use it. But if you haven't used a library before you should start here:
2D Animation for algorithms
Using a 3rd party UI library, you certainly can. E.g. with MatPlot++
- I want to make a program that draws a graphical function to a png and I don't know how.
C++ plotting library for Windows + MinGW similar to matplotlib in Python?
Maybe Matplot++ is the solution. You can check more info in https://github.com/alandefreitas/matplotplusplus
What are some alternatives?
PythonKit - Swift framework to interact with Python.
matplotlib - C++ wrappers around python's matplotlib
volbx - Graphical tool for data manipulation written in C++/Qt.
matplotlib-cpp - Extremely simple yet powerful header-only C++ plotting library built on the popular matplotlib
AlphaPlot - :chart_with_upwards_trend: Application for statistical analysis and data visualization which can generate different types of publication quality 2D and 3D plots with extensive visual customization.
implot - Immediate Mode Plotting
SwiftCharts - Easy to use and highly customizable charts library for iOS
manim - Animation engine for explanatory math videos
bauh - Graphical user interface for managing your Linux applications. Supports AppImage, Debian and Arch packages (including AUR), Flatpak, Snap and native Web applications
Graphia - A visualisation tool for the creation and analysis of graphs
tomviz - Cross platform, open source application for the processing, visualization, and analysis of 3D tomography data