
SQLDelight | Realm | |
33 | 50 | |
6,324 | 16,401 | |
1.3% | 0.2% | |
9.0 | 8.8 | |
5 days ago | about 2 months ago | |
Kotlin | Objective-C | |
Apache License 2.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
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- Sqlc: Compile SQL to type-safe code
querky – autogenerate Python functions and types for your SQL queries
This seems to be similar to https://github.com/cashapp/sqldelight, and I've always wanted a python equivalent!
In typescript, there are query builders (not talking about ORMs) that can basically do this within the type system, but that would be infeasible in python's type system. This approach (type/code generation is a good alternative, though I like using sqlalchemy / alembic to manage schemas/migrations.
One thing I'm curious about is how it knows the types of columns? I looked quickly at the Readme but didn't see it (probably a parameter somewhere I missed).
- I'm creating a REST API using KTOR. What's the best ORM to go with KTOR ?
KMM alternatives to Android Datastore & Room DB?
That functionality has existed for almost exactly a year
What were your negative experiences when adopting KMM?
- SQLDelight - great experience overall, the only issue that I found, was when that I made a database migration that worked on Android, but not on iOS (https://github.com/cashapp/sqldelight/issues/3812)
Adopting Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile(KMM) on 9GAG App
Database - SQLDelight
Android Starter Template (hilt, ktor, coroutines, flow, modules, gradle.kts, version catalog, compose, MVVM, tests, GitHub CI)
room is a great example but like I said our data is kotlin-only so we tend to use libraries like sqlDelight.
Announcing new crate - "hugsqlx": turning SQLx queries into Rust functions
This seems similar to https://cashapp.github.io/sqldelight/ for kotlin, I think this approach is pretty neat, good luck with it!
ADVICE WANTED - Typescript PostgreSQL without ORM
Sounds like you want what SQLDelite offers, but for TypeScript. SQLDelite is only for Kotlin and SQLite though.
Why We're Moving on from Firebase
SQLDelight had neat built in support for this
Release Radar · September 2024: Major updates from the open source community
From the team at MongoDB comes Realm, a mobile database that runs directly inside phones, tablets, or wearables. It's built for mobile, and designed for offline use. The latest release comes with built-in Swift 6 language mode, and Xcode 16 support. Some breaking changes include removal of Atlas App Services and Atlas Device Sync functionality, Strings and Data now considered different types and thus queries won't match one another, and Realms are no longer autoreleased when initialised. Dig into all the updates in the Realm changelog.
- MongoDB has deprecated the Realm SDK for iOS/Android
Energy, WiFi and RAM use by Android messaging apps
Presumably realm in Element for Android. https://realm.io/ "Realm by MongoDB"
See also https://github.com/vector-im/element-android/issues/1025
I built a WebComponents-based framework
Looks really cool, I like to make very minimalistic dependency choices for the web apps I work on. Web Components look interesting and it's great to see frameworks that build upon it and provide features that are currently missing from it.
When I landed on the page I remembered another Realm framework I used a lot long time ago. https://realm.io has the same name and the logo looks very similar too. Not sure if it's a problem, just wanted to share. :)
What is the best DB for offline-first?
Realm (Open Source but Sync is SaaS)
Realm Database, Expo SDK 49 and Expo Router Getting Started
Realm is a fast, scalable alternative to SQLite with mobile to cloud data sync that makes building real-time, reactive mobile apps easy.
Looking for android java developer mentor
I would focus on Kotlin instead of Java, there's really no point in sticking to Java at this point. And when it comes to databases, some local ones that are pretty easy to get into are Realm and ObjectBox, SQLite can definitely be a bit overwhelming at the beginning.
- Please help me out. Recently switched to M1 from intel. Getting error while running the build on simulator.
Help with saving user data when answering quiz!
So yeah, if you don't have a server with API which will store data for you - you should really look into CoreData and Realm
Is there something like SQLite for MongoDB?
Try Realm.
What are some alternatives?
Exposed - Kotlin SQL Framework
Ktorm - A lightweight ORM framework for Kotlin with strong-typed SQL DSL and sequence APIs.
MMKV - An efficient, small mobile key-value storage framework developed by WeChat. Works on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and POSIX.
jOOQ - jOOQ is the best way to write SQL in Java
GRDB.swift - A toolkit for SQLite databases, with a focus on application development
Realm Asset Helper - A small library to help with Realm.IO integration in Android apps
YapDatabase - YapDB is a collection/key/value store with a plugin architecture. It's built atop sqlite, for Swift & objective-c developers.
Nitrite Database - NoSQL embedded document store for Java
FMDB - A Cocoa / Objective-C wrapper around SQLite
ObjectBox Java (Kotlin, Android) - Android Database - first and fast, lightweight on-device vector database
UserDefaults - Simple, Strongly Typed UserDefaults for iOS, macOS and tvOS