
ruadlist | easylist | |
5 | 339 | |
106 | 2,348 | |
1.9% | 1.9% | |
0.0 | 10.0 | |
3 days ago | 5 days ago | |
Adblock Filter List | Adblock Filter List | |
- | - |
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- How can I bypass the detection for this site?
Yandex image ads undetected by ublock. Even element picker isn't able to pick and block the ads
Ok, please try using the counters filter at
Adblock detecting in
For many years, this site has had an auto-redirect initiated by the server itself. It could only be avoided by setting cookies. The issue was discussed here: At the end of May this year, the admin declared war on the blockers and arranged a vote: As you can see from its results, only 28% of users refused to disable the ad blocker, 41% voted to ban it, and 30% indicated that they didn't care. At the moment, the admin in real time checks the functionality of denying access to those users who use blockers, and the rules added to regular filters do not work for more than several hours. Therefore, the problem is solved in the optional filter Counters:
Ads getting through on Yandex websites
To block ads on Yandex sites, filter Counters and for Firefox - in addition to Counters, the Scriptlet Doctor is also required.
- If ublock is On, I can't see download file on yandex disk
Apple's new Safari feature removes distracting items from websites
uBlock Origin has a few 'Annoyances' lists that you can enable in the settings, e.g. Fanboy's list on
Let's build a screenshot API
import { ScreenshotOptions } from "./schema"; import puppeteer, { Page } from "puppeteer"; import { PuppeteerBlocker } from "@cliqz/adblocker-puppeteer"; import fetch from "cross-fetch"; let blocker: PuppeteerBlocker | null = null; async function blockCookieBanners(page: Page) { if (!blocker) { blocker = await PuppeteerBlocker.fromLists(fetch, [ // the list of the cookie banners to block from the website "", ]); } await blocker.enableBlockingInPage(page); } export async function render( options: ScreenshotOptions ): Promise<{ url: string }> { const browser = await puppeteer.launch(); const page = await browser.newPage(); if (options.block_cookie_canners) { await blockCookieBanners(page); } await page.setViewport({ width: options.viewport_width, height: options.viewport_height, deviceScaleFactor: options.device_scale_factor, }); await page.goto(options.url); const encodedScreenshot = await page.screenshot({ type: "jpeg", encoding: "base64", fullPage: options.full_page, }); await browser.close(); return { url: `data:image/jpeg;base64,${encodedScreenshot}` }; }
- EasyList: Filter list that removes most ads
Firefox private mode now automatically blocks cookie banners for German users
uBlock Origin has a few lists for cookie banners that I always keep on [0][1]
- Help removing ads on
CNN is blocking the Brave Browser
I think this is now fixed (or worked around) by ?
Issue with Filters in Germany
You mean the VG Wort METIS tracking in order to participate in the German royalty scheme? From a publisher perspective that tracking is necessary, but from a user perspective it's just another example of third party tracking. Thus, it is part of some filterlists that uBlock Origin users can subscribe to, for example the EasyPrivacy list. Talking to the filterlist authors is very unlikely to resolve this: after all, it is tracking, regardless of intention.
- Easylist adblocking reaches 200k commits
- Why does ublockorigin break this website's login functionality?
Filter to block ads?
Fixed in EasyList:
What are some alternatives?
scriptlet-doctor - Allow inline scripts regardless of site policy
AdguardFilters - AdGuard Content Blocking Filters
uBlock - uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean.
bypass-paywalls-chrome - Bypass Paywalls web browser extension for Chrome and Firefox. [UnavailableForLegalReasons - Repository access blocked]
uBlock-issues - This is the community-maintained issue tracker for uBlock Origin
I-Still-Dont-Care-About-Cookies - Debloated fork of the extension "I don't care about cookies"
oisd - oisd blocklist
AdGuardHome - Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server
hosts - 🔒 Consolidating and extending hosts files from several well-curated sources. Optionally pick extensions for porn, social media, and other categories.
adblock-nocoin-list - Block lists to prevent JavaScript miners
Pi-hole - A black hole for Internet advertisements