
Stars - the number of stars that a project has on GitHub. Growth - month over month growth in stars.
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For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.
Why did NASA launched Landsat 9
# conversion process ## 1) Top Of Atmosphere per pixel sun elevation reflectance adjustment ### ```sh rio toa reflectance -p --dst-dtype uint16 -t '.*\_B{b}.TIF' ./exampleBase/LC08_L1TP_038032_20200815_20200822_01_T1_B{4,3,2}.TIF ./exampleBase/LC08_L1TP_038032_20200815_20200822_01_T1_MTL.txt ./exampleTOA/mergedTOA.tif ``` ## 2) pansharpen ### ### implement fix: ### force update of local cli: #### pip install -U pip #### pip install -r requirements.txt #### pip install -e . ```sh example: rio pansharpen --dst-dtype uint16 B8.tif B4.tif B3.tif B2.tif out.tif specific example: rio pansharpen --weight 0.1 -j 4 --dst-dtype uint16 ./exampleBase/LC08_L1TP_038032_20200815_20200822_01_T1_B8.TIF ./exampleTOA/ref4.tif ./exampleTOA/ref3.tif ./exampleTOA/ref2.tif ./examplePansharpened/out.tif ```
- TiTiler: A modern dynamic tile server built on top of FastAPI and Rasterio/GDAL
Writing a Tile Server in Python
Note that titiler[0] exists, which is doing a pretty nice job.
How The Post is replacing Mapbox with open source solutions
There's a lot to like about GDAL+Rasterio, although I've found having all HTTP requests go through GDAL's C API does result in some limitations on concurrency and multithreading. GDAL's configuration being based entirely on env vars also has its downsides:
Extending PostGIS with TiMVT/TiFeatures and PgSTAC
TiMVT and TiFeatures, along with TiTiler for raster services, complete a trio of python-FastAPI services. The current roadmap includes merging TiFeatures & TiMVT, the vector-based services, into a single project to reduce code redundancy.
Serverless GIS
COGs are great, but from my experience micro services like titiler don't support complex styling logic. Is there a possibility to create a serverless WMS service with complex styling requirements?
geotiff mosaic viewer / qgis?
Consider something like titiler if you want to serve the pile of geotiffs out to the web.
Configuring >100GB of imagery as raster tiles, TMS / WTMS, AWS S3 storage?
We were able to host 10gb six band rasters as well as 2cm RGB split into 100m tiles on S3 using COGS, mosaic.json and the TiTiler project which is powered by AWS lambda functions
What are some alternatives?
terracotta - Headless UI for SolidJS
gdal2tiles-leaflet - Generate raster image tiles for use with leaflet.
stackstac - Turn a STAC catalog into a dask-based xarray
mangum - AWS Lambda support for ASGI applications
mbutil - Importer and Exporter of MBTiles
PMTiles - Pyramids of map tiles in a single file on static storage
rio-pansharpen - pansharpening landsat scenes
geoserver-rest - Python library for management of geospatial data in GeoServer.
usgs-topo-tiler - Python package to read Web Mercator map tiles from USGS Historical Topographic Maps
fastapi-microservice-template - A template for a FastAPI based Serverless Framework microservice running on AWS Lambda
eoreader - Remote-sensing opensource python library reading optical and SAR sensors, loading and stacking bands, clouds, DEM and spectral indices in a sensor-agnostic way.
fastapi-crudrouter - A dynamic FastAPI router that automatically creates CRUD routes for your models