
rio-toa | terracotta | |
1 | 1 | |
39 | 676 | |
- | 0.3% | |
0.0 | 7.5 | |
about 3 years ago | 5 months ago | |
Python | TypeScript | |
- | MIT License |
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Why did NASA launched Landsat 9
# conversion process ## 1) Top Of Atmosphere per pixel sun elevation reflectance adjustment ### ```sh rio toa reflectance -p --dst-dtype uint16 -t '.*\_B{b}.TIF' ./exampleBase/LC08_L1TP_038032_20200815_20200822_01_T1_B{4,3,2}.TIF ./exampleBase/LC08_L1TP_038032_20200815_20200822_01_T1_MTL.txt ./exampleTOA/mergedTOA.tif ``` ## 2) pansharpen ### ### implement fix: ### force update of local cli: #### pip install -U pip #### pip install -r requirements.txt #### pip install -e . ```sh example: rio pansharpen --dst-dtype uint16 B8.tif B4.tif B3.tif B2.tif out.tif specific example: rio pansharpen --weight 0.1 -j 4 --dst-dtype uint16 ./exampleBase/LC08_L1TP_038032_20200815_20200822_01_T1_B8.TIF ./exampleTOA/ref4.tif ./exampleTOA/ref3.tif ./exampleTOA/ref2.tif ./examplePansharpened/out.tif ```
New to web development, How can I create a tab system?
You should avoid implementing standardized components on your own because there is much more to consider than it seems at first (screen reader support, keyboard navigation). For this reason you usually want to use a (headless) component library. I usually use solid-healdess. You can go to it's examples folder to see how to use any of the components
What are some alternatives?
stackstac - Turn a STAC catalog into a dask-based xarray
a11y-twitter - Small changes to how you use Twitter to promote Tweeting in an accessible manner. For now, it will only prompt once per Tweet to add alt text to an attachment before you Tweet. Simple but effective. 😎
mbutil - Importer and Exporter of MBTiles
made-in-solid - SolidJS Portfolio — What have people built with it?
rio-pansharpen - pansharpening landsat scenes
solid-lib-starter - SolidJS library starter template. Use it to create your own solid package.
usgs-topo-tiler - Python package to read Web Mercator map tiles from USGS Historical Topographic Maps
Zappa - Serverless Python
eoreader - Remote-sensing opensource python library reading optical and SAR sensors, loading and stacking bands, clouds, DEM and spectral indices in a sensor-agnostic way.
threeXYZgraphing - 3d xyz graphing using threejs
demquery - Wrapper around rasterio to query points on a Digital Elevation Model
titiler - Build your own Raster dynamic map tile services