
proposal-types-as-comments | coffeescript | |
32 | 54 | |
2,364 | 16,529 | |
- | 0.1% | |
8.6 | 3.0 | |
almost 3 years ago | 11 months ago | |
JavaScript | CoffeeScript | |
- | MIT License |
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- Proposal-Types-As-Comments - ECMAScript proposal: Types as Comments
Thoughts on proposal For Type Syntax in JavaScript
As per the proposal:
- Amazon Corretto 18 is now generally available
- A few misconceptions people seem to have about the Types as Comments proposal
[AskJS] Why not just add 'application/typescript' support for browsers.
Not runtime ones.
- [AskJS] What features do you think this proposal is missing vs the current typescript state?
Deno Is Webby
I do wonder about a future where JavaScript gets non-enforced optional type annotation syntax[1] which is and if said syntax will be slightly incompatible with TypeScript. That would be a little awkward for Deno, wouldn’t it. However I hope that if JS gets type annotation syntax that it would be a strict subset of TypeScript—or at the very least future compatible—for this very reason.
I'll miss you, my love ...
I assumed the joke was about this
Microsoft proposes type syntax for JavaScript
It's actually Gil Taylor
The proposal on GitHub
- CoffeeScript
- Ask HN: Why don't browsers just build a non-JS interpreter?
alternatives to the javascript ecosystem
That said, there are ways to embrace the JS ecosystem without actually using JavaScript. Many popular languages have transpilers that will convert code written in that particular language into something that will run natively in a web browser (in other words, JavaScript). Even TypeScript is a language that gets transpiled into JavaScript, so it's not that outrageous of a concept, it just gets more difficult to do the further you get away from languages that don't already look like JavaScript.
Vanilla+PostCSS as an Alternative to SCSS
As a front-end web developer, do you still use CoffeeScript or jQuery? Unlikely, as TypeScript, ES/TC39 and Babel (and the retirement of Internet Explorer thanks to @codepo8 and his EDGE team) have helped to transform JavaScript into some kind of a modern programming language.
- Por que Elm é uma linguagem tão deliciosa?
An Introduction for TypeScript
Why React isn't dying
On the other hand, companies choose React because that's where all the developers are. If you want to build something that can be maintained years from now, you better not choose the next hype train that goes straight to nowhere (remember CoffeeScript ?). You want something battle tested that has stood the test of time, where you won't have trouble finding developers to scale once you need to. And nobody ever got fired for choosing React.
- List of languages that compile to JavaScript
- We're breaking up with JavaScript front ends
- Suggestion for coding project
What are some alternatives?
sqlite3 - The fastest and correct SQLite3 module for Deno runtime
imba - 🐤 The friendly full-stack language
corretto-17 - Amazon Corretto 17 is a no-cost, multi-platform, production-ready distribution of OpenJDK 17
emacs-ng - A new approach to Emacs - Including TypeScript, Threading, Async I/O, and WebRender.
flow - Adds static typing to JavaScript to improve developer productivity and code quality.
angular-styleguide - Angular Style Guide: A starting point for Angular development teams to provide consistency through good practices.
0.30000000000000004 - Floating Point Math Examples
coffeesense - IntelliSense for CoffeeScript. LSP implementation / VSCode extension
browser-or-node - Check where your code is running. In the browser or in node.js environment.
Elm - Compiler for Elm, a functional language for reliable webapps.
corretto-18 - Amazon Corretto 18 is a no-cost, multi-platform, production-ready distribution of OpenJDK 18
servant - Servant is a Haskell DSL for describing, serving, querying, mocking, documenting web applications and more!