
pretty-simple | polysemy | |
2 | 7 | |
247 | 1,042 | |
1.6% | 0.2% | |
5.0 | 5.1 | |
21 days ago | 15 days ago | |
Haskell | Haskell | |
BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License |
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text-display released
You can use for that. It's pretty good and it also adds color.
Introduction to Doctests in Haskell
Looking for a few projects that make use of it, I found accelerate, hawk, polysemy and pretty-simple, so I'll be interested to poke around in their code and see how they have things set up.
Functional Declarative Design: A Comprehensive Methodology for Statically-Typed Functional Programming Languages
Thirdly, composing arbitrary effects without losing state is really, really difficult. Things are fine when you limit yourself to State and Reader, sure, but once you start with nondeterminism you’ll discover it’s shockingly easy to produce behaviors that are baffling unless you’ve spent a preposterous amount of time thinking about this stuff. (I’ve been bitten in prod by silent state-dropping bugs, and rarely have I been more flummoxed.) Consider this example, which produces silent changes in the semantics of <|> depending on whether you use it inside or outside of a higher-order effect. Every single effect library (besides the still-unreleased eff) gets certain combinations of effects + nondeterminism wrong. You could make the argument that most people don’t use nondeterministic monads, but eDSLs really shine when you have access to them, as you can turn a concrete interpreter to an abstract one fairly easily.
Introduction to Doctests in Haskell
Looking for a few projects that make use of it, I found accelerate, hawk, polysemy and pretty-simple, so I'll be interested to poke around in their code and see how they have things set up.
ReaderT pattern is just extensible effects
Right, I think I'll just give it a shot to see. Polysemy is nice but I'm still having trouble getting what I want out of it (which may very well be entirely a fault of my own understanding)
Where's more discussion of the designs of effect systems?
Languages such as Koka only support algebraic effects, not scoping operations such as catch and listen. The Effect Handlers in Scope paper introduces scoping operations, which lead to the Haskell libraries fused-effects and polysemy, but they turned out to have some weird semantics. eff is her effort to fix that.
- Monthly Hask Anything (June 2021)
Trouble Reinterpreting Higher Order Effects in PolySemy
Looking at the interpreter for Reader might give some clues if this doesn't work.
Structuring Code with ZIO & ZLayers
*But I'm not terribly well versed in Scala's other DI offerings. I came from Haskell and didn't find anything in Scala that clicked with me until I found ZIO. It reminded me a lot of my favorite way of writing Haskell programs (—albeit with a completely different implementation.
What are some alternatives?
tptp - Parser and pretty printer for the TPTP language
purescript - A strongly-typed language that compiles to JavaScript
ghci-pretty - tiny hack for colored pretty-printing within ghci
ast-monad - A library for constructing AST by using do-notation
haskell-awk - Haskell text processor for the command-line
freer-simple - A friendly effect system for Haskell
wl-pprint-annotated - Wadler/Leijen pretty printer with annotations and API conforming to modern Haskell
Exercism - Scala Exercises - Crowd-sourced code mentorship. Practice having thoughtful conversations about code.
ghci-websockets - A websocket server in GHCi that survives reloads
fused-effects - A fast, flexible, fused effect system for Haskell
Cabal - Official upstream development repository for Cabal and cabal-install
ghc - Mirror of the Glasgow Haskell Compiler. Please submit issues and patches to GHC's Gitlab instance ( First time contributors are encouraged to get started with the newcomers info (