notion-capture | mjml-react | |
3 | 8 | |
93 | 987 | |
- | 0.0% | |
0.0 | 0.0 | |
over 1 year ago | over 1 year ago | |
JavaScript | JavaScript | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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Open Sourced Email Capture Landing Page With Notion API
Live Demo:
Capture Emails on Notion
Github: Here is the demo:
- Show HN: Email Capture Next.js Starter Using Notion API
Launch HN: Resend (YC W23) – Email API for Developers Using React
Unfortunately, the react-mjml library is no longer maintained:
Email frameworks comparison in 2023
Mailing is a new tool based on React components to create templates. Under the hood, it uses mjml-react. A package, that is porting mjml markup language into React component. Thanks to this, we can use render e-mail templates using React.
JSX Mail: Ending All Your Problems When Creating Email Templates
Agreed that MJML is great, but I wouldn't call JSX a useless abstraction. Using JSX as a templating language for MJML has real benefits, like being able to use javascript directly in templates instead of having to remember handlebars/mustache/nunjucks/etc templating syntax.
And libraries like mjml-react make it really easy.
Email Doesn't Suck. It's Email Clients That Need Improving
I will say that it sucks just as a much from the developer front. I had to build some email templates for a project a few weeks ago and I was shocked how wired it was compared to regular webdev.
Using a framework is almost a requirement if you don't want to spend all your time on little differences between email clients. The layout is really wired too, with the recommendation to use a ton of nested tables. Not to mention wired bugs like Apple Mail not rendering a background unless you have an image on the page.
The best solution I've found thus far is to use MJML React [1]. This sorta normalizes things and lets you write normal react code that gets transpiled into some abomination that Outlook can read. But it sucks that the only two options that are actually worth a damn seem to be MJML[2] and Foundation[3]. If anyone has had good experiences with other frameworks I'm very much open to suggestions.
- Mailing: build, test, send emails with TypeScript and React
Can I use React to create an email on a node/express backend?
For email, mjml is the way to go in my opinion. There is this package that lets you use it with react, I've used it on several projects and it worked very well
Lib for creating emails like a sane person
There is actually a react integration so you don't have to use their template language
What are some alternatives?
notion-feeder - 🕸 A Node app for creating a Feed Reader in Notion.
MJML - MJML: the only framework that makes responsive-email easy
notion-api-chore-db-to-gotify - Node program to periodically send push notifications via Gotify when a Notion DB status condition is met (eg task is "due today" or "overdue")
novu - Open-Source Notification Platform. Embeddable Notification Center, E-mail, Push and Slack Integrations.
MdToNotion - Parser markdown to Notion
responsive-html-email-template - A free simple responsive HTML email template
notion-to-md - Convert notion pages, block and list of blocks to markdown (supports nesting and custom parsing)
seo-analyzer - The library for analyze a HTML file to show all of the SEO defects
twan-dev - Always wanted to use Notion as your CMS? Well, now you can! [Moved to:]
node-html-to-text - Advanced html to text converter
next.js-notion-blog - 💫 Blog build with Next.js, Notion's API, Tailwind CSS and Vercel
Mailtrain - Self hosted newsletter app