bandit | elixir-ls | |
6 | 15 | |
1,754 | 1,548 | |
1.8% | 1.8% | |
9.2 | 9.5 | |
6 days ago | 9 days ago | |
Elixir | Elixir | |
MIT License | Apache License 2.0 |
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HTTP/2 Continuation Flood: Technical Details
I'd just mitigated this exact thing in Bandit last month!
TBH, from an implementors perspective this is a super obvious thing to cover off. It had long been on my radar and was something that I'd always figured other implementations had defended against as well.
Anyone using bandit in prod?
Phoenix 1.7 is View-less
Could even switch over to Bandit which was on a recent Thinking Elixir podcast
> In recent performance tests, Bandit's HTTP/1.x engine is up to 5x faster than Cowboy depending on the number of concurrent requests. When comparing HTTP/2 performance, Bandit is up to 2.3x faster than Cowboy
- Bandit is a pure Elixir HTTP server for Plug and WebSock applications
- (Elixir / Erlang) Bandit's HTTP/1.x engine is up to 5x faster
Complete Guide: Setting up VS Code for Elixir and Phoenix Development
ElixirLS Documentation
Ask HN: Elixir LSP doesn't work on VSCode and Neovim. Any solutions?
I have tried installing Elixir+Erlang through Homebrew (as instructed by the official Elixir website):
I also tried uninstalling them and installing through ASDF and I made sure that they both had the same version (27) as mentioned in this article:
This Issue mentions that Elixir may be incompatible with the most recent OpenSSL versions, but I don't want to downgrade OpenSSL: Also:
I also did every tip mentioned on the Github page of the Elixir LSP:
Several hours later, I still can't use the Elixir LSP in VSCode. This is the error I keep getting:
Vue 3.3.6 Faster Thanks to WeakMaps
No. Not even close. But it's getting better.
There are currently two worth mentioning:
Elixir tools:
ElixirLSP is the older project, and has been around for a while. It does a lot, but has had sporadic issues over the years. Things like the debugger are a dog to get working, and the server itself will occasionally run into issues where it just doesn't want to work. It's always sort of focused on a subset of language server features, so don't expect much in the way of inline corrections. But it's got the essentials, formatting, basic linting, type hinting, on demand documentation, and primitive reference navigation
Elixir tools is a new up and comer, written by Mitchell Hanberg. It's aiming to be a more complete lsp, and has plugins in its "ecosystem" for most editors. Features have been arriving rapidly, starting with things like inline corrections and far more reliable linting, and recently growing autocomplete. One of the main selling points is the elixir-tools backend is a self contained binary, so it can mostly work independent of system Elixir/Erlang version, which was a frequent tripping point for ElixirLSP
Personally I use both at the same time, but plan to move to tools only when it's got all the features I need
Lightweight dev tools.
I decided I can live without elixir-ls when couching in return for having a usable editor. When the plugin ecosystem and documentation matures I can see myself switching to using Lapce for my primary editor.
GNU Debugger "GDB" Adds Support For Microsoft's Debug Adapter Protocol
Hi! I've compiled gdb from master and installed it. When I run gdb -i dap, I get JSON-RPC, so it looks like it's working, but I'm lost as to where to go from here. Does your change enable me to use a tool like with GDB now, right? How might I use them together? What would be required to then have GDB debugging over DAP from inside Emacs?
Phoenix 1.7 is View-less
Elixir-ls provides Language Server Protocol support as well as VS Code Debug Protocol support which gives extra powers to VS Code, NeoVim, Emacs, and the like
[Elixir] Apprentice, a new alchemist.el fork
BUT, with the news that in the next Emacs version eglot (lsp client) is going to be in the core, I decide to modify alchemist in a different way, enhancing other capabilities and letting eglot do what he best does (which is the functionality of elixir-ls).
Is ElixirLS still in the VSCode market place?
I think it's here:
Using a Custom Language Server in Fleet?
elixir-ls powers the VSCode experience, and while it works decently, I've never really clicked with VSCode. In general, for other languages, I tend to use Jetbrain's Products. I would love to give fleet a whirl, and I know in the background it can use the Language Server Protocol to support many of the languages it currently ships with.
Getting Started Using Nix Flakes As An Elixir Development Environment
Now it doesn't mean that immediately reading this starter guide, you will have everything under the sun set up with Nix Flakes for your development need. But at least, you won't have to worry about setting up asdf, your weird hacks you need for your machine and the other tiny little things to get elixir started with elixir-ls.
What are some alternatives?
cowboy - Small, fast, modern HTTP server for Erlang/OTP.
FunkyABX - Audio blind tests
flake-utils - Pure Nix flake utility functions [maintainer=@zimbatm]
http - HTTP server for Elixir
doom-emacs - An Emacs framework for the stubborn martian hacker [Moved to:]
json_view - Elixir library to render Json with relationship
asdf - Extendable version manager with support for Ruby, Node.js, Elixir, Erlang & more
eqwalizer - A type-checker for Erlang
dotfiles - Neovim,Zsh,Fish,i3-gaps,polybar
programming-phoenix-liveview - Programming Phoenix LiveView Book Code & Solutions to "Give it a try"s
alchemist.el - Elixir Tooling Integration Into Emacs