Phoenix 1.7 is View-less

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InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
InfluxDB Platform is powered by columnar analytics, optimized for cost-efficient storage, and built with open data standards.
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  • Phoenix

    Peace of mind from prototype to production

    I don't think that 1.7 is going to really have bandit fully supported on launch:

    Once it is supported though, I will be on that for sure.

  • InfluxDB

    Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale. InfluxDB Platform is powered by columnar analytics, optimized for cost-efficient storage, and built with open data standards.

    InfluxDB logo
  • bandit

    Bandit is a pure Elixir HTTP server for Plug & WebSock applications (by mtrudel)

    Could even switch over to Bandit which was on a recent Thinking Elixir podcast

    > In recent performance tests, Bandit's HTTP/1.x engine is up to 5x faster than Cowboy depending on the number of concurrent requests. When comparing HTTP/2 performance, Bandit is up to 2.3x faster than Cowboy

  • elixir-ls

    A frontend-independent IDE "smartness" server for Elixir. Implements the "Language Server Protocol" standard and provides debugger support via the "Debug Adapter Protocol"

    Elixir-ls provides Language Server Protocol support as well as VS Code Debug Protocol support which gives extra powers to VS Code, NeoVim, Emacs, and the like

  • phoenix_live_view

    Rich, real-time user experiences with server-rendered HTML

    Some of the 1.7 stuff has an alert banner that pops up when the connection is broken. I think that could really help.

    However I haven't put that in our app as I have seen other issues of flakey connection reconnect issues, and I would hate to make any of those more visible with a flashing notice.


  • eqwalizer

    A type-checker for Erlang

    While it's not static-typing, compile-time type checking for Erlang have come a long way: Eqwalizer works pretty well - but I may be biased since my employer sponsors the project.


  • FunkyABX

    Audio blind tests

    All web frameworks fail with forms one way or the other :)

    I think one point would be the docs, to outline the basic cases, best practices. Maybe something tying the form helpers and changeset.

    I have a side project [0] with a form which have inputs dependant of others and a dynamic section (assoc).

    I struggled a bit with the data, checking what I would get inside a changeset struct, until I "discovered" get_field and put_change.

    For the assoc I was also a bit lost until I read an article using a delete virtual field. In the end I made it work but I still not sure I used all the right changeset functions.

    To LiveView credits this app has been used all over the world and got very good feedback, nobody mentioned any lag issue etc (well, someone with a crappy connexion in Istanbul once got an incomplete uploaded file without getting an error).


  • programming-phoenix-liveview

    Programming Phoenix LiveView Book Code & Solutions to "Give it a try"s

    LiveView is evolving into a great piece of tech, but as others have noted elsewhere in the comments one of the challenging parts with LiveView right now (and to an extent Phoenix) is the outdated books & tutorials.

    Bruce Tate and Sophie DeBenedetto have been authoring the book “Programming Phoenix LiveView” ( which has the potential to be a great source for people that want to really dive into LiveView. The challenge though is they have not updated it to support the changes introduced in 0.18.0 which makes it really hard to start using the book when a new Phoenix application “mix dev_app” looks different than what’s in their book and some of their code breaks with the default installed versions of included plugs.

    While I wish the book would receive an update sooner that brings it back to a compatible state (meaning there are no issues following along with the book), the good news is they have committed to having the book be updated when LiveView hits 1.0.

  • SaaSHub

    SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

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  • livebook

    Automate code & data workflows with interactive Elixir notebooks

    Also, if I may, recommend two videos to watch which is what got me into Elixir in the first place.

    1. "The Soul of Elixir and Erlang" - ; this fast-paced talk by Sasa Juric will highlight exactly what is special about Elixir/Erlang in terms of fault-tolerance and scalability

    2. "Using the Beam to Fight COVID-19" - ; this highlights a real-world use of Elixir and the speciality of how the BEAM works using an actor model which I found fascinating. Should get your excited about the possibilities of this language.

    3. "The Do's and Don'ts of Error Handling" - ; this talk by Joe Armstrong, inventor of Erlang, again highlights the shift in thinking about error handling and failure recovery. Not Elixir specific, but since Elixir has it's roots in Erlang it's well worth listening to this talk, which is conceptual and not code-centric.

    None of the videos above are Phoenix or LiveView but they should help build some concepts in your brain about why you want to go down this learning path of Elixir and Phoenix, why it's different. I listened to the first two, and I couldn't stop thinking about them, personally.

    A last thought I would give you as you're going through any training material or topics, I cannot recommend strongly enough. Consider this pattern: download LiveBook ( and create a notebook for each lesson or major topic you're learning. Gives you a great way to learn, take notes, experiment and keep the history rather than just using iex at the command line all the time. I've found this greatly accelerated my active learning, as it's easy to get into the passive learning loophole of just regurgitating the code in tutorials and not stick the concepts into your brain.

    Best of luck!

  • purerl

    Erlang backend for the PureScript compiler

    You've been able to write PureScript that compiles to Erlang and has perfect interop for years, via `purerl`[0]. Using it with Elixir is as simple as adding `purerlex` as a compiler and having your PureScript code automatically compile when `mix` compiles things, and off you go.

    In terms of the typing itself, it's exactly what you get in all of PureScript, strict static typing with no `any` or the like. Using `Pinto`, the de facto OTP layer in PureScript your processes are typed, i.e. their `info` messages & state are typed, which means that they are all much more like strongly typed state machines than anything else.

    You can see an example of a basic `gen_server` here:

    The differences aren't very big in terms of what you'd expect to be doing. One small thing to note is that the `` expects a closure to be passed instead of having the split between `gen_server:call` & `handle_call`, removing the need for synchronizing two places for your messages being sent and handled.

    0 -

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