
money-rails | Pagy | |
4 | 10 | |
1,812 | 4,694 | |
0.3% | 0.9% | |
2.9 | 9.5 | |
15 days ago | 6 days ago | |
Ruby | Ruby | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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Keep Your Ruby Code Maintainable with Money-Rails
Money-Rails integrates the money gem in Rails. It can handle automatic conversion between the database representation of money to Money instances. These instances can then be used to access all helpers available from the money gem (we will get to an overview of those helpers later in this post).
- How to store properly a BigDecimal in Ruby on Rails
Ten Ruby gems for Rails you should definitely know about
Currency Calculations in Ruby
Money-rails: An integration of RubyMoney for Ruby on Rails, mixing all the money's library power with Rails flexibility.
Build Load More Pagination with Pagy and Rails Hotwire
Now, let's dive into the pagination part of this post: setting up Pagy for handling pagination in our Rails application. If you haven't included the Pagy gem in your project, you'll need to add it manually. Here's how you can do it:
Pagination in Rails with Pagy gem
Several gems are available for pagination in Rails, but the Pagy gem is one of the most popular and efficient. It is a fast and lightweight library that provides a simple and flexible API. In this article, we’ll explore how to use it to implement pagination in Rails.
Rux: A JSX-inspired way to render view components in Ruby
> Am I understanding correctly that there’s a significant difference in performance between using a ViewComponent + a partial vs. a ViewComponent which renders html via a tag - from inside the component?
I don't think there will be much difference at all in everyday use, but some libraries that value performance don't avoid templates for that reason, Pagy for example.
Personally I omit them in my projects whenever we want to customise attributes, I hate seeing stuff like this in templates:
Some header
A powerful search feature with what Rails provides out of the box
The next step was about backporting the templates, adding Pagy gem for handling pagination and creating the controller. I was then able to show the listings with the models, but the filtering was not working.
The Ultimate Search for Rails - Episode 1
On the backend, we'll need a few tools. Apart from the classics (ActiveRecord scopes and the pg_search gem), you’ll see how the (yet officially unreleased but production-tested) all_futures gem, built by SR authors, will act as an ideal ephemeral object to temporarily store our filter params and host our search logic. Finally, we’ll use pagy for pagination duties.
My project: railstart app
Pagination and infinite scrolling with Rails and the Hotwire stack
In our application, we will use Pagy to implement pagination. Let’s install Pagy now, following along with the Pagy quick start guide.
Load More Pagination in Rails with Hotwire Turbo Streams
For pagination I tend not to use gems like pagy or kaminari, instead implement this functionality just using limit and offset.
Ten Ruby gems for Rails you should definitely know about
Kaminari hooks onto ActiveRecord associations and makes it super easy to page them. Pagy is another option that seems to have a solid API but I haven't tried it yet.
Re-Wheel series part 1 - How does Rails' find_each work?
But how is this implemented? Well, if you use pagination in your index methods with gems like pagy, kaminari or will_paginate you will find that the same idea is happening here, they are using the power of SQL's LIMIT and OFFSET to fetch only a portion of the data each time. So in the 1 million users example, find_each will perform 1000 thousand queries with a limit of 1000 while changing the offset properly so we don't miss any record.
What are some alternatives?
strong_migrations - Catch unsafe migrations in development
Kaminari - ⚡ A Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, customizable and sophisticated paginator for Ruby webapps
counter_culture - Turbo-charged counter caches for your Rails app.
will_paginate - Pagination library for Rails and other Ruby applications
lockbox - Modern encryption for Ruby and Rails
order_query - Find next / previous Active Record(s) in one query
Money - A Ruby Library for dealing with money and currency conversion.
Monetize - A library for converting various objects into `Money` objects.
phony_rails - This Gem adds useful methods to your Rails app to validate, display and save phone numbers. It uses the super awesome Phony gem (