
Jekyll | Bridgetown | |
274 | 35 | |
49,579 | 1,196 | |
0.4% | 1.7% | |
9.1 | 8.9 | |
13 days ago | 25 days ago | |
Ruby | Ruby | |
MIT License | MIT License |
Stars - the number of stars that a project has on GitHub. Growth - month over month growth in stars.
Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.
How to create a blog with Quartz, GitHub, and Cloudflare
If you don't want to use Jekyll as your static site generator for GitHub Pages and you want to have a custom domain for your GitHub Pages. This post is for you!
Blogging with Obsidian and Jekyll
Jekyll is a static site generator that transforms Markdown files into a fully functional website. Everything is generated into plain HTML, which makes it simple to deploy on platforms like GitHub Pages.
- Jekyll v4.4.0 Released
Create a Blogging Platform With No Backend (Zero Hosting Fee)
Obviously, there are a dozen choices for generating static websites (efficiently and quickly), from the classic Jekyll to the new Next.js. And you are good to go with any of them as long as your confident with it. I choose 11ty because:
Show HN: SQLite Plugin for Jekyll
That would be an improvement, but it still wouldn't be equivalent to what you can do with Ruby and Jekyll. For example I do [1] so I don't need to put dates in my post names, which also fixes a bug [2] I encountered but was never fixed.
It's easy to dev blog
In your repository settings you need to turn on GitHub Pages to make it pull Jekyll content (that's the magic✨ default GitHub Pages build tool) from your GitHub repository.
How to build a blog with NodeJS
If you're looking to start a blog (or if you're thinking of redesigning yours although you haven't posted in 2 years), you'll stumble upon a lot of options and it can be incredibly daunting; and if you stumble with the newest Josh's post about his stack it is easy to feel overwhelmed with the shown stack.
Migrating from WordPress to Jekyll: Save Money with a Static Site
Here I am, signing off from a self-hosted WordPress site and finding a welcome change in Jekyll, a blog-aware static site generator. There is nothing new about this, several well-known bloggers have already migrated to Jekyll in the last few years. Ever since Tom Preston Werner created this software in 2008 and published his infamous article about Blogging Like a Hacker, it has become the go-to thing for at least the small and indie bloggers.
The Home Server Journey - 6: Your New Blogging Career
First I've looked at the tools I was already familiar with. I have some old blog where I've posted updates during my Google Summer of Code projects. It uses Jekyll to generate static files, automatically published by GitHub Pages. It works very well when you have the website tied to a version-controlled repository, but it's cumbersome when you need to rebuild container images or replace files in a remote volume even for small changes
Ask HN: What do you use for your personal blog?
I like Jekyll [1]. It is simple and open source. I am not sure about the SEO part though.
Marrying Tailwind with Jekyll
Jekyll is a simplistic framework for static websites that originally sparked the static website and JAMstack movements. While there are many similar frameworks with more features, Jekyll remains one of the simplest on the market. It has been somewhat forgotten and hasn't evolved much lately, to the point where some people decided to take matters into their own hands and fork this framework into something called Bridgetown.
Ask HN: What is the best way to author blogs in 2024v
I use and it works pretty well. Very easy to use and deploy. Blog posts are listing line by line, like "index". I didn't customize much from the generated code(only logo and header). You can take a look:
- Bridgetown: Progressive site generator and fullstack framework, powered by Ruby
- Progressive site generator and fullstack framework, powered by Ruby
Do we really need variadics?
I'm using bridgetown because I like sitting on the bleeding edge, its basically a newer Jekyll which I would recommend checking out too. Bridgetown has a great modern dev experience but its missing some of the ecosystem from Jekyll. Not a problem for me because I'm really comfortable with Ruby.
Why write technical content on a blog and not only on social media
If you want to have a different UI or your blog to look in a very specific way I recommend using Jekyll or Bridgetown.
How would I make and deploy a simple website
If I wanted to post a simple website today I would look into Jekyll. There are a ton of articles and answers to common questions etc. It itself is written in Ruby but using it will not likely help you to learn Ruby. One-step in the direction of learning Ruby and getting a simple website could be Bridgetown. This will start you down a path of learning Ruby and not Rails. We use Bridgetown for our company site at Flagrant.
How to use View Transitions in Hotwire Turbo
In the Hotwire Turbo world specifically, several discussions about integrating transition animations also took place and a few promising approaches emerged, namely the Turn project or the transitions in Bridgetown. There is also a chapter in the Noel Rappin’s Modern Front-End book and an interesting article but overall, frankly, this topic still fells somewhat early-stage and exploratory.
Help with picking a framework for a personal website static site generator. Can be linked with prism of you want a kind of panel to add new articles.
How to integrate a static website to Rails app
FYI. I used Bridgetown as a static site generator recently and rather enjoyed it.
What are some alternatives?
Hugo - The world’s fastest framework for building websites.
Middleman - Hand-crafted frontend development
Awesome Jekyll - A collection of awesome Jekyll goodies (tools, templates, plugins, guides, etc.)
Hexo - A fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js.
Nanoc - A powerful web publishing system
Photish - Fast, simple, configurable photo portfolio website generator
Pelican - Static site generator that supports Markdown and reST syntax. Powered by Python.
Octopress - Octopress 3.0 – Jekyll's Ferrari
Docusaurus - Easy to maintain open source documentation websites.
webgen - webgen is a fast, powerful and extensible static website generator