
hermes | react-native-skia | |
44 | 25 | |
10,086 | 7,184 | |
0.7% | 1.6% | |
9.7 | 9.5 | |
1 day ago | 7 days ago | |
C++ | TypeScript | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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- Jaws – a JavaScript to WASM ahead of time compiler
- Porffor: A from-scratch experimental ahead-of-time JS engine
- Hermes Sandboxed Runtime
LLRT: A low-latency JavaScript runtime from AWS
Hermes is a big one as well: low startup latency, low memory
A list of JavaScript engines, runtimes, interpreters
- Implementation of Arrays via Segments (By Hermes for JavaScript)
Threads uses Compose!
InstagramBundle.js.hbc.spk.xz is likely a compressed version of Hermes bytecode (js.hbc)"
Removing Timezones from Dates in Javascript
In React Native's case, it uses an engine called Hermes:
This Week In React-Native #137: Expo Code Elimination, Monorepo, Hermes, Chain React, EAS, Skia, Expo Router, VisionCamera, React-Native-Graph
📜 I made JSON.parse() 2x faster: Radek proposes to improve the performance of Hermes by using very fast C++ libs based on SIMD instructions. Interesting to read even if you don't use React-Native. Ongoing discussions on the Hermes PR.
I made JSON.parse() 2x faster
Thanks! There's a preliminary PR with a discussion here: (and broader context here: ). But we'll see if there's any interest on Hermes' side to merging it. They definitely want to improve the parser, but it's unclear to me if they want to take on the simdjson/simdutf dependencies.
Dynamic Island Liquid Animation with React Native Skia
If you've got another setup (e.g. raw React Native) refer to the setup on the Skia Docs and the Reanimated Docs as there are additional setup instructions.
WebKit Switching to Skia for 2D Graphics Rendering
It works wonderfully well for my react native app, see for details!
Going down the rabbit hole of the canvas
I stopped further tracking of the source code. As an end of this blog post, I would like to share my finding of the React Native Skia which brings the Skia Graphics Library to React Native. You can get more information from a Shopify Engineering blog Getting Started with React Native Skia. Hope it helps, see you next post.
React Native in Next.JS for Hybrid Web/Mobile Monorepo: Should I give up? ($250 Bounty)
This is the latest version of the issue (haven't had much luck getting support from the Skia team throughout this), I'm happy to get on a call to show you further if you have any experience with dealing with these monorepos or Skia for web. The moment we run a successful Next.js build I'll paypal you $250 on the spot.
Looking for articles about react-native-skia
The docs for react-native-skia docs seem spare and the only linked tutorials are in video form. Can anyone recommend any good written resources?
- React native for Linux app development in 2023
React Native is Multi Threaded
By using libraries like Reanimated, React Native MMKV, and React Native Skia, you leverage the native thread. However, I know there are developers building amazing things who think outside the box. I'm always thrilled when I read engineering blogs from companies like Netflix, Meta, and Shopify. They create solutions beyond the limits.
Revolutionizing Data with React Native ECharts 1.1: Now More Interactive!
@wuba/react-native-echarts, An awesome charting library for React Native, built upon Apache ECharts and leveraging react-native-svg and react-native-skia. Offers significantly better performance compared to WebView-based solutions. If you want to learn more about the project's design principles, you can click here.
How can I draw custom vector graphics in ReactNative (equivalent to Flutter CustomPaint) ?
There's also React Native Skia.
Is this impossible to re-create in React Native?
yes this can be achieved using react-native-skia. Check it out link:
What are some alternatives? - The source code of, the official website of the V8 project.
react-native-svg - SVG library for React Native, React Native Web, and plain React web projects. [Moved to:]
quickjspp - Port of QuickJS Javascript Engine.
react-native-reanimated - React Native's Animated library reimplemented
dayjs - ⏰ Day.js 2kB immutable date-time library alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API
perfect-freehand - Draw perfect pressure-sensitive freehand lines.
react-native-debugger - The standalone app based on official debugger of React Native, and includes React Inspector / Redux DevTools
yoga - Yoga is an embeddable layout engine targeting web standards.
react-native-quick-base64 - A fast base64 module for React Native
react-native - A framework for building native applications using React
nodejs-mobile - Full-fledged Node.js on Android and iOS
reanimated2-animations - A collection of reanimated 2 based animations from dribbble designs and real world apps