gruvbox-factory | bumblebee-status | |
3 | 14 | |
709 | 1,245 | |
2.0% | 0.7% | |
3.1 | 6.2 | |
2 months ago | 9 days ago | |
Python | Python | |
MIT License | MIT License |
Stars - the number of stars that a project has on GitHub. Growth - month over month growth in stars.
Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.
- Where to find low contrast wallpapers for desktop background
Some wallpapers to hopefully revive this sub
First three I manufactured myself using gruvbox factory
Gruvbox on Windows 10
Wallpapers are made from existing Wallpapers and gruvbox-factory
Been using Gentoo for about a week! I've fallen in love with this distro
bumblebee-status (github)for bar, hugely modular and uses Python for modules. Nice assortment of included modules, and it's easy to create new ones.
i3's titlebar isn't rendering the fonts correctly. And the current font im using it JetBrainsMono Nerd Font, but i've also tried this using non-monospaced fonts like Noto Sans as well. All of it gives the same result. Thanks in advance.
Hmm i think i found a fix for this issue. So the thing is the status bar i use bumblebee-status needs font-awesome. And initially, this was my font configuarion: font pango:FontAwesome, JetBrainsMono Nerd Font 11 and the issue was that, if I was using FontAwesome as well, then the fonts weren't rendered correctly (as shown in the picture) however when I removed it, it worked just fine. And I noticed that two different fonts can be used, one for the bar and one for i3wm itself. Hence I tried that out. So for i3wm's font I had font pango: JetBrainsMono Nerd Font 11 and in the "bar" section I did this:
Looking for a waybar for i3 << been using this. Works fine for quick and easy setup and go.
Waybar: Any template for a fan speed (RPM) module?
I switched to bumblebee-status a few years ago and find it to pretty extensible. Python modules, including lm-sensors support. I have blocks on my bar for radiator push fans rpm, radiator pull fans rpm, both pumps rpm, water in and water out temperatures... as well as a bunch of other stuff like CPU VRM current, package temps, load/usage, etc.
i3wm border color This is the official page for it. It explains it pretty well. Some people also use for more color options and themes! Though you might have to point the thing to a custom config file.
Thank you, dear community! (from the author of bumblebee-status)
Today, in what is still completely unbelievable to me, my small, humble project bumblebee-status reached 1k stars on github. Thank you so much to everyone who uses it or contributes to it, you are awesome! (459 PRs and over 400 opened issues mean that most of the work on this project is anyhow done by the community)
colored statusbar in dwm w/ statuscolor
I just patched statuscolors to my dwm build with the aim of bringing colors to my statusbar (I use dwmblocks). I want to achieve something aesthetically similar to bumblebee-status, with each statusbar block appearing in a different color. As explained in the patch documentation, I defined an array of colors in my dwm config, something like this:
I don't use linux because I hate windows, it's because I like this:
bumblebee-status, got some nice themes and info on how to write you own; easy to install too. Check this:
i3blocks vs Polybar
How about Bumblebee-status or Polybar?" That's a question of preference. Both are excellent.
- I will write and manage your nixos configuration
What are some alternatives?
gruvbox - Retro groove color scheme for Vim
polybar-collection - Beautiful collection of Polybar themes
album-art-wallpaper - An app for Windows that will change your desktop wallpaper to the album art of the song you are listening to.
eww - ElKowars wacky widgets
WallpapersFromReddit - Easily download all the images from any subreddit (also select sort_type if you want hot/top/new/controversial, and also sort_time day/week/month/year/all). Randomly select downloaded images and set as wallpaper, updating every 30 mins (or whenever you want duh)!
archcraft-i3wm - // Configuration : I3wm
psr17 - Provides a PSR17 synthetic implementation.
i3pystatus - A complete replacement for i3status
mimesis-factory - Mimesis integration with factory_boy
dotfiles - My bspwm dotfiles. Get whatever you need! :)
WallTime - Countdown live wallpaper app for deadlines
polybar - A fast and easy-to-use status bar