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I wrote a tool in Go to write Sequence Diagrams in Go
The author explicitly says:
> You don't need to download any dependencies such as plantUML or Graphviz, which is what most of the tools out there require and what was also my motivation to start this project. go-uml is using a 2D graphics engine written 100% in Go
So no, this is not a solution for these requirements.
Golang library similar to Python's pillow
I really like the [fogleman/gg]( package for image manipulation, it is pure Go and has many functions to draw and manipulate images.
Creating Dynamic Shipping Labels
you can try something like: to create such images from templates
Imagor - fast, Docker-ready image processing server written in Go and libvips, with Thumbor URL syntax
I've always used the GG library for my image processing needs, and I've heard of libvips somewhere before (likely from the Node.js world) but didn't know it had a Go port/wrapper. :) I'll definitely check that out as well
Rotate Text on Image
what library are you using? I recommend this one.
Trying out some new generative techniques with Go.
Mainly, the standard library and my favorite gg.
Processing equivalent in GoLang
Have you been hit by when writing your book?
Ebiten now supports Nintendo Switch™!
It does relatively little, and that's the point! It works really well when you combine it with other packages; I find it plays very well with fogleman/gg, but your objectives may differ. The dev is very responsive and helpful (even if I don't understand their tweets).
Putting Text on an Image with Golang
That piece of code makes all the magic. With the help of Fogleman library manipulating images in Go is a breeze. Let's check what this is doing:
Looking for help on how to do image manipulation for Discord bots in GO
The base image package doesn't have text rendering functions. It would probably be easier to use a higher level library like
Canvas vector graphics update: rich text and path boolean operation support
I wanted to share a recent large update to, which is a vector graphics library written in Go to create images, PDFs, SVGs, OpenGL, etc. using vector drawing operations. Especially I wanted to show two new exciting features:
Client-side scripting for in-browser graphics.
It appears that there's a port of Cairo to Go which also targets webassembly.
- Pixie – A full-featured 2D graphics library for Nim
Processing equivalent in GoLang can draw primitves but i think it would be a bit hard to do event based animation
tdewolff/canvas: vector graphics in Go (mayor update)
Yes! See for an example using gonum-plot. You should be able to plug-and-play to use the canvas library!
- Cairo in Go: Vector to SVG, PDF, EPS, Raster, HTML Canvas, etc.
What are some alternatives?
govips - A lightning fast image processing and resizing library for Go
svgo - Go Language Library for SVG generation
tiny-skia - A tiny Skia subset ported to Rust
Primitive Pictures - Reproducing images with geometric primitives.
go-cairo - Go binding for the cairo graphics library
pixie - Full-featured 2d graphics library for Nim.
go-opencv - Go bindings for OpenCV / 2.x API in gocv / 1.x API in opencv
generative-art-in-go - A companion source code repository to the book "Generative Art in Go"
img - A selection of image manipulation tools
unipdf - Golang PDF library for creating and processing PDF files (pure go)