format.nvim | sqls | |
5 | 12 | |
225 | 685 | |
- | - | |
4.3 | 6.3 | |
almost 3 years ago | over 2 years ago | |
Lua | Go | |
- | MIT License |
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Do you give use Vim for SQL. It took me a while to setup this. sqls - lang server (auto complete), dadbodUI (view table, execute and save query), prettier-sql (format code on save).
To format on save you need to install format
Out of the box lint and format settings?
For formatting, written in lua, there is formatter.nvim and format.nvim. These are also great plugin but are low level, where you still need you to provide some bindings for the linter/formatter of your choice.
Which autoformatting plugin do you recommend?
[asking] any good formatter for all languages lua
format.nvim is really nice. It's flexible to configure and async
Writing a SQL LS in Rust - Looking for Coding Companions.
I am talking about this LS: which is written in Go.
nvim sqls connect to Amazon Redshift dB
Has anyone successfully connected to Amazon Redshift using sqls (
Show HN: PostgreSQL Sessions in Vim
I've been trying the neovim plugin (vim plugin available as well) for the sqls language server lately as an alternative to Dadbod, I like it so far:
How to use Vim or Neovim for SQL?
Does work?
Extending NeoVim with Lua
To work with SQL databases already there are a huge number of excellent tools. Every IDE I’m familiar with has database plugins. Vim is included. LSP server already exists. But sometimes I just need to run a simple query, without getting distracted by going to other tools, looking for the right connection, or the prepared SQL query. Therefore, using the getCurrentParagraph function discussed above, I implemented a simple and fast start of SQL queries for PostgreSQL
- Support for SQL (sqls) lsp server
Do you give use Vim for SQL. It took me a while to setup this. sqls - lang server (auto complete), dadbodUI (view table, execute and save query), prettier-sql (format code on save).
I used sqls as lang server for LSP, after install you config your localhost with config.yml as the doc said
Do you guys use Vim with PostgreSQL ^^. Here is my setup. Neovim with psql is languague server (autocomplete), DadbodUI to view table, sql-formatter to format the uppercase and indent.
sorry for late reply, i used sqls as lang server.
Plsql language server
Only plain SQL a T-SQL, see . Is completely hopeless?
Example for using `buildGoPackage` or `buildGoModule`?
I am a newbie of Nix, and I want to install some packages of Go for development, like sqls and efm-langserver . sqls can be go get , and efm-langserver need to be built from source.
What are some alternatives?
nvim-treesitter-context - Show code context
vim-dadbod-ui - Simple UI for
efm-langserver - General purpose Language Server
taplo - A TOML toolkit written in Rust
vim-autoformat - Provide easy code formatting in Vim by integrating existing code formatters.
.wsl-emacs.d - 😈My personal Emacs configuration on Arch & Ubuntu
vim-dadbod - dadbod.vim: Modern database interface for Vim
cmp-under-comparator - nvim-cmp comparator function for completion items that start with one or more underlines
pet - Simple command-line snippet manager
neoformat - :sparkles: A (Neo)vim plugin for formatting code.
vim-dadbod-completion - Database autocompletion powered by