
format.nvim | nvim-treesitter-context | |
5 | 33 | |
225 | 2,645 | |
- | 1.9% | |
4.3 | 8.8 | |
almost 3 years ago | 7 days ago | |
Lua | Janet | |
- | MIT License |
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Do you give use Vim for SQL. It took me a while to setup this. sqls - lang server (auto complete), dadbodUI (view table, execute and save query), prettier-sql (format code on save).
To format on save you need to install format
Out of the box lint and format settings?
For formatting, written in lua, there is formatter.nvim and format.nvim. These are also great plugin but are low level, where you still need you to provide some bindings for the linter/formatter of your choice.
Which autoformatting plugin do you recommend?
[asking] any good formatter for all languages lua
format.nvim is really nice. It's flexible to configure and async
TreePin! A prototype of my plugin for pinning parts of code to the edges of the screen (Apologies for the GIF artifacts)
Very cool! Sort of reminds me of treesitter-context. Any chance for compatibility? An example could be you either would disable context when something is pinned or somehow displace it other, depending on which is "on top" could be neat.
[New plugin] Introducing dropbar.nvim, an out-of-the-box, IDE-like winbar with drop-down menu support and multiple backends
It's for context and navigation, not completions. So it wouldn't replace nvim-cmp. It probably doesn't replace anything you already have unless you are already using a winbar. It combines features of treesitter-context, symbols-outline, and a file navigator but in a different presentation.
Plugin for virtual text around parantheses ?
Not quite the same thing, but arguably a better alternative :
Looking for some kinda specific plugins for visibility
For 2:
Please inform me of the plugin(s) enabling these two features
I really like nvim-treesitter-context as an alternative for 1.
I’m a vscode user who wants to migrate to neovim but still can’t get all the features I want, I’m trying out lazyvim, which plug-ins should I use?
nvim-treesitter-context implements "sticky scroll" where, depending on where your cursor is placed, the top lines of your window will be replaced by the otherwise offscreen lines that declare what function you're in (e.g function test(...), the line that begins the current class (e.g. public class Student implements Person {), the variable name of the current table (e.g. local planets = {), etc.
- I have reached Vim nirvana
Anything like Blockman in Neovim?
Very different in my eyes, but I love nvim-treesitter-context. Definitely another tool in helping the brain parse code -- I think of it as helping with long range context, whereas blockman helps me focus on local context and makes scoping relationships more subconciously available.
Plugin to show current function?
You are looking for this:
what is the plugin for showing the function context on top of buffer?
I have seen is recommended, and it works similar. But the way the context info are displayed in AstroNvim is much nicer
What are some alternatives?
efm-langserver - General purpose Language Server
nvim-treehopper - Region selection with hints on the AST nodes of a document powered by treesitter
sqls - SQL language server written in Go.
ideavim - IdeaVim – A Vim engine for JetBrains IDEs
diffsitter - A tree-sitter based AST difftool to get meaningful semantic diffs
vim-autoformat - Provide easy code formatting in Vim by integrating existing code formatters.
context.vim - Vim plugin that shows the context of the currently visible buffer contents
cmp-under-comparator - nvim-cmp comparator function for completion items that start with one or more underlines
unison - A friendly programming language from the future
neoformat - :sparkles: A (Neo)vim plugin for formatting code.