
ffmpeg-python | pythonic-cv | |
33 | 36 | |
10,292 | 41 | |
1.1% | - | |
0.0 | 0.0 | |
6 months ago | almost 3 years ago | |
Python | Python | |
Apache License 2.0 | MIT License |
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- FFmpeg in Python: library to manipulate video and audio
FFmpeg 6.0
Even given an option it can be difficult to find the corresponding documentation, if only because of the many different submodules and encoders and decoders and filters that have o-so-slightly different options. That said, I've just switched from pydub to ffmpeg-python (due to memory issues of the former[1]) and judging from the Jupiter notebook[2] it seems a much more intuitive method of constructing ffmpeg pipelines.
[1] https://github.com/jiaaro/pydub/issues/135
[2] https://github.com/kkroening/ffmpeg-python/tree/master/examp...
I've made a Python script to convert my flacs to mp3s and expanded it a little bit (to keep folder structure, work with cover art etc), sharing it here just in case someone wants to use it :)
You might want to look into ffmpeg-python as well
Looking for an ffmpeg alternative
This bug on github sounds like the same issue you have
Im making a video editor in Python. Yes, i'm crazy. No, it wont lag
take a look at https://github.com/kkroening/ffmpeg-python
How to grab an international internship in 3rd year
The ffmpeg-python python package still makes use of the “future” python package (search for “past” in the code base). These should be removed and updated as necessary.
Altering individual pixels in individual frames in ffmpeg Python
I've had a look through these examples, but I can't get the numpy conversion to work (I get broken pipe errors, but if any of you can get it working this solution would be ideal)
Is Generative Cinema possible?
Your going to be wanting to enumerate all the files in a folder, shuffle them, and then use a library for splicing them together. A quick google search brought me to moviePy, which seems pretty solid. ffmpeg is the industry standard for programmatically working with video, but it's...complicated to say the least. Looks like there are some good python bindings for it, but it may be overkill for this project. I'm sure there are others out there too.
Shotcut is a free, open-source, cross-platform video editor
stitching [0], [1], and [2]
Ffmpeg Buddy
I've been using ffmpeg-python recently, and it will do a lot of the crazy complex transforms for you, and you can write sane python code vs. trying to deal with the crazy default ffmpeg syntax.
Play a Video on Loop, Replace Video with Photo, Then Go Back to Video
I did something similar in this example, where the “input” was someone covering up a webcam to switch to the next display source (in my case switching through a list of videos that would continue from where they left off).
[pyautogui] What is faster?
If you’re wanting to continuously process your screen like a live video stream you might be interested in (my library) pythonic-cv, which supports MSS as a video input backend.
Python Code Help - OpenCV Project
I’ve previously done something similar here, but the transition was triggered by covering a webcam (e.g. with a finger).
Better alternative to pyautogui image recognition?
pythonic-cv (disclaimer: my library) includes MSS as an input stream option.
[Discussion] Any other ways to find convergence of pixels by color?
If that’s of interest, OpenCV provides a detailed stitching example, although my revision is likely a fair amount easier to follow and understand (but it’s been optimised for video, so if you’re wanting to use it with minimal modification you’ll need to provide your images in a sequence where each image has overlap with the one before it, not in a random order).
Class has a method called release instead of close. I want to use the With keyword. How do I tell python to call release instead of close
As something of a side note, you may be interested in (my library) pythonic-cv.
Write efficient async code in computer vision programs
I wrote pythonic-cv because I found that pipelines regularly require pre and post processing that can be done in parallel across frames - you might want to take a look :-)
Is FER just this slow or is it just me?
Likely areas for parallelisation depend on the operations that are happening - if there are independent stages then they can often be made to run at the same time in separate threads (or processes). Concurrency is similar, although more about doing something else while waiting for I/O, and can generally be solved with threads or asyncio coroutines. A common improvement for video-focused computer vision pipelines is reading in/capturing the next frame while the previous frame is being processed (e.g. like is done with pythonic-cv - disclaimer: my library), but given the frame rates you specified then that may help a bit but is likely not the main culprit. ML-based algorithms can often benefit from the inherent parallelisation of a GPU-based implementation, although that can be difficult or even impossible to achieve depending on the algorithm being used.
- Image stitching
[Bug] After trying to send to my database my video is suddenly lagging
Personally I’d approach this using pythonic-cv - it has a VideoReader class that supports separate preprocess and process functions, and has threading built in. Then again, I wrote the library, so it’s not so surprising that I’d jump to using it.
What are some alternatives?
moviepy - Video editing with Python
SmoothStream - Webcam, PiCamera streaming over the network with Python made easy.
FFmpeg - Mirror of https://git.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git
interactive-projectivity-open - Interactive projections using computer vision
pydub - Manipulate audio with a simple and easy high level interface
kaleidoscope - Apply a kaleidoscope effect to images and videos
m4b-tool - m4b-tool is a command line utility to merge, split and chapterize audiobook files such as mp3, ogg, flac, m4a or m4b
AV-tracker - Lean Software Development course project that determines the user's current state by processing the video feed and mouse/video signals.
OpenTimelineIO - Open Source API and interchange format for editorial timeline information.
FFmpeg - Mirror of https://git.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git
OpenCV - Open Source Computer Vision Library