esprima | jscodeshift | |
9 | 28 | |
7,017 | 9,208 | |
0.0% | 0.9% | |
0.0 | 7.0 | |
over 1 year ago | about 1 month ago | |
TypeScript | JavaScript | |
BSD 2-clause "Simplified" License | MIT License |
Stars - the number of stars that a project has on GitHub. Growth - month over month growth in stars.
Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.
Running Untrusted JavaScript Code
I'm particularly fond of Firecracker, but it’s a bit of work to set up, so if you cannot afford the time yet, you want to be on the safe side, do a combination of static analysis and time-boxing execution. You can use esprima to parse the code and check for any malicious act.
ESLint: under the hood
Focusing again on ESLint, the parser used by the linter is called Espree. This is an in-house parser built by the ESLint folks to fully support ECMAScript 6 and JSX on top of the already existing Esprima. The Espree module provide APIs for both tokenization and parsing that you can easily test out.
Why you don’t need TypeScript
For TypeScript we have used AST transforms from their compiler API, and for plain JavaScript we did a similar thing using ESPrima. This helped us implement some simple optimizations like stream fusion (combining .filter and .map into a single operation) or avoiding extra object allocations in vector math, which led to nice performance improvements in code that does heavy computation (we process large amounts of data on the server and store results of physics simulations).
Algorithm to simplify a 100-variable Boolean expression?
I used ESPrima, but any parser would do in this case. I then wrote a simple function to extract all "atomic" non-boolean expressions from it.
How to make your own programming language in JavaScript
AST is an acronym for Abstract Syntax Tree. It's the way to represent code in a format that tools can understand. Usually in form of tree data structure. We will use AST in the format of an Esprima, which is a JavaScript parser that outputs AST.
What the heck is an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) ?
Abstract Syntax Trees: They're Actually Used Everywhere -- But What Are They?
Create an AST: Esprima
We Switched from Webpack to Vite
The thread was originally about CRA vs Vite size on disk (or implicitly, if we're applying it to real world applications, network cost in CI job startup times). And like I said, surrogate pairs don't apply to ASCII.
See this[0] for reference. Note how the first byte must fall within a certain range in order to signal being a surrogate pair. This fact is taken advantage of by JS parsers to make parsing of ASCII code faster by special casing that range, since checking for a valid character in the entire unicode range is quite a bit more expensive[1].
How to create your own language that compile to JavaScript
If you want to learn more about parsing, reading the code of an actual recursive parser might be a better idea. Esprima is a decent place to start if you're interested in JS grammar. Then you can look at the babel handbook to learn more about AST transformations. From there, the literature gets quite a bit more heavy. If you get this far and are willing to push further, you'll probably want to grab yourself a copy of the dragon book at a minimum.
Building a JSON Parser from scratch with JS 🤯
A parser can have various applications in everyday life, and you probably use some parser daily. Babel, webpack, eslint, prettier, and jscodeshift. All of them, behind the scenes, run a parser that manipulates an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) to do what you need - we'll talk about that later, don't worry.
[AskJS] Can anyone recommend a test runner with ESM and Custom Loader Support?
OP: If this is an avenue you feel like entertaining, here are some nice codemod tools that could ease the transition for you: CodeQue, Subsecond, and the old standard jscodeshift.
[AskJS] Are there any tools to help automatically update imports when splitting typescript libraries in a Monorepo?
If that isn't enough or you find issues with it, the current de-facto standard for codemods is jscodeshift. You'll write more code, but at least you only have to write it once.
env: node\r: No such file or directory
Here is the pull request
- Criando um Parser de JSON do zero
Show HN: – Gumroad for Starter Repos
Those are important but tough problems!
1. I feel like codemods and a setup shell prompt are the best solution to this, but this looks different for each language (eg, in JS there is I could make UI around that for listers to provide parts of the app that should replaced and buyers to provide values for it, but it could be quite a rabbit hole. This is actually why I show the README for the repos, so users can see if the setup steps are comprehensive before buying (for paid ones).
2. I agree atomic commits can help someone navigate a new codebase. In the same spirit as my response to #1, I don't feel confident I could enforce this, but I could surface the commits on the starter repo page so potential buyers could see if the author laid things out well.
Thanks for the ideas!
Automatic Dependency Upgrade Tool (with auto-resolve breaking changes)
That's why I've been working on a tool that automatically upgrades major versions of libraries with breaking changes, the idea is to simplify the process and save developers time and effort by having a bank of transformers (using codemod & jscodeshift) and open source them:
Effective Refactoring with Codemods
JSCodeshift: A toolkit for running and writing codemods.
Launch HN: FlyCode (YC S22) – Let product teams edit web apps without coding
Hi HN community, we are Jake, Tzachi and Etai, co-founders of FlyCode ( FlyCode makes it easy for product, UX, and marketing teams to edit web apps without coding, so they don’t have to wait on (or consume) developer time, and can iterate, test, and release faster. See a quick example here:
Non-technical teams frequently need to edit the copy (text), images, and links that appear in a web app. How to manage these has long been a pain on software projects. You can keep them separate from the code, in some form that non-programmers can edit, but this adds a lot of complexity and is usually brittle, as it can bypass the regular development workflows (as CI, staging envs & deploy previews). It’s simpler to keep them in the code—but then only programmers can easily edit them. Everyone else has to wait to get their changes in, plus the devs have to do a lot of edits that aren’t their main work. This slows projects down and is expensive. It also means that product/marketing/UX teams can’t do things that require rapid iteration, such as sophisticated forms of A/B or usability testing. This limits their work and ultimately is bad for both quality and revenue.
There have been many approaches to solving this dilemma, including custom built admin tools that are limited in functionality and require maintenance, offloading to CMS that require heavy integration, are normally used for simple static apps, and bind your stack to their SDKs. Or wasting a developer’s time to do it for you…
We took a new approach by automatically analyzing a codebase’s structure, similar to a compiler. This allows us to automatically populate our platform in which product/UX/marketing teams can easily use to edit their text and images. We programmatically turn those edits into code changes. Our GitHub bot then takes these code changes and creates a pull request just like a developer would—but without the latency (and boredom!). Developers retain codebase ownership, while non-developers become individual contributors to the dev process, just like the others.
We use well-established practices for parsing and editing source code (like, covering most of the major technologies used for building web apps (React, Angular, Vue, and Ruby on Rails included).
Once our software has parsed your codebase, it generates an editing portal for your app that teams can easily use to find, manage, and edit product copy, images, and links, and then auto-generate PRs. You can edit product copy regardless of whether it is in resource files or hardcoded (fun fact: some of the largest and fastest-growing tech companies have most of their strings hardcoded!), and you can replace and upload new images and icons to your product.
The integration with GitHub ( took us a long time to get right. There’s not a lot of documentation around integrating GitHub to platforms, and things like connecting an org or connection requests turned out to be non-trivial. We're particularly proud of the result because unlike with other tools, you don’t have to do any significant integration work.
Our GitHub app finds texts and images in the source code and sends them to our platform (you have full control of what and where we scan). Once a user requests a change it updates the texts and the images in the codebase and creates a pull request.
We did a Show HN earlier this year:, which helped us get some serious leads, which was awesome. Since then we’ve moved out of beta, added new content types (images), launched a new UI and visual editor (EAP), and automated the onboarding of new repos.
We have a handful of companies paying for this and spent the last year focusing on making it extremely simple to use. It only takes 3 minutes to connect our GitHub app and configure the system for your team to start editing. It doesn’t require any changes to your code, or any special maintenance. You can get started here:
We are hoping to use this launch to get some more feedback from you all! We are far from our vision to be a platform for everything front-end but are working hard every day to improve the user experience and feature requests from our early collaborators (editing links, themes, variables, JSON configuration, defining in-code A/B tests, etc.).
We're really happy to show this to you all and thank you for reading about it. For those that sign up, time yourself to check that our “3-minute connect + config” claim isn't just a sales tactic! We look forward to further conversation in the comments.
JARVIS – Write me a Codemod
What are some alternatives?
estree - The ESTree Spec
codemod - Codemod is a tool/library to assist you with large-scale codebase refactors that can be partially automated but still require human oversight and occasional intervention. Codemod was developed at Facebook and released as open source.
escodegen - ECMAScript code generator
Acorn - A small, fast, JavaScript-based JavaScript parser
babel-handbook - :blue_book: A guided handbook on how to use Babel and how to create plugins for Babel.
putout - 🐊 Pluggable and configurable JavaScript Linter, code transformer and formatter, drop-in ESLint superpower replacement 💪 with built-in support for js, jsx, typescript, flow, markdown, yaml and json. Write declarative codemods in a simplest possible way 😏
estraverse - ECMAScript JS AST traversal functions
react-codemod - React codemod scripts
esbuild-loader - 💠 Speed up your Webpack with esbuild ⚡️
comby - A code rewrite tool for structural search and replace that supports ~every language.
vite-plugin-vue2 - Vue2 plugin for Vite
ts-migrate - A tool to help migrate JavaScript code quickly and conveniently to TypeScript