create-react-app | react-boilerplate | |
598 | 24 | |
103,091 | 29,490 | |
0.1% | 0.0% | |
6.5 | 0.0 | |
13 days ago | almost 2 years ago | |
JavaScript | JavaScript | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.
- Create React App is now deprecated
- Meta's create-react-app unofficially officially deprecated
The Future of Htmx
Create React App should not be used because it is no longer maintained. Here is its GitHub repro: . It has had very few updates since July 2022. This is bad because it needs constant updates because it depends on a large number of packages and those packages are constantly releasing security updates.
Design to Demo: Accelerating App Development with AI Tooling
Not so fast, though. V0 uses shadcn, which isn’t fully compatible with Create React App.
Is React as hard/complex as it sounds?
Don’t use Create React App: It’s outdated, slow, and lacks extensibility.
Retro Games React App
The application was created with Create React App, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. I separated the different moving parts of the application and put them into the following React components.
From Local to Live: How to Deploy Your React Application using Netlify.
1. Run a Final Test: Make sure your app works as expected locally by running: npm run dev If it was created with Vite. npm run start If it was created with Create-React-App.
Micro-libraries need to die already
This is just a discourse based on "I need to churn out something, I need that fast and I didn't start in the web game when Backbone and E4X were a solid corporate choice". If you are not in a hurry, work in a solid team and have a good attention span, a lot of clickbait idiocy around JS may not happen.
I'm presenting you one of countless examples: a lot of coding bootcamps teach React, maybe with TS, maybe with JS.
Enter react-create-app.
The docs are a link, while the commands you paste are laid out at 9th row in the README. That will become a habit for a junior.
Build a landing page using a react template
In this exercise, you will customize your own landing page using the beautiful Landy template. Landy template is built on top of Create React App.
Building a Simple To-Do List App with React 🚀
Create React App
Redux developers, please stop doing this!
I worked on a React project in 2019, I believe it was built on top of the react-boilerplate template, and the developer experience with Redux was so bad that I became a Vue developer.
Stay Ahead of the Game Must Have Front-End Boilerplates and Starter Kits for Every Developer
Clone this repo using git clone --depth=1
- How to structure my react project folders properly?
100+ Must Know Github Repositories For Any Programmer
10. React Boilerplate
Top 5 React Boilerplates to Know in 2023
2 React Boilerplate is a reliable and well-designed boilerplate in the Javascript UI Libraries, with 28.2k ratings on GitHub. The super-rich component and font base, together with Redux, Mocha, Redux-Saga, Jest, React Router, PostCSS, and reselect are all included. They support SEO indexing. Concentrating on app development and performance is more than enough.
Alternatives to Create React App
React Boilerplate is a fantastic tool for setting up a React project. On its main page, React Boilerplate touts its accessibility through its app even with no network connection and positions itself as the future of fast web apps.
Redux Sagas firing multiple times if injected in different containers
We are using and have a classic store layout with multiple components.
react-boilerplate authentication login page flashes on page reload
I'm working on an app with a login page and the rest of the pages of the app (should be logged in to view). I'm using react-boilerplate. From this example, I edited my asyncInjectors.js file to have redirectToLogin and redirectToDashboard methods:
Identity Server 4 Social Login for SPA
I'm working on application using a Web API( core) and a SPA (react-boilerplate). I'm starting work in user registration/login and one of the requirements is to allow for user to sign in with facebook, google, etc
Useful React tools and resources
React.js Boilerplate :
What are some alternatives?
nwb - A toolkit for React, Preact, Inferno & vanilla JS apps, React libraries and other npm modules for the web, with no configuration (until you need it)
electron-react-boilerplate - A Foundation for Scalable Cross-Platform Apps
craco - Create React App Configuration Override, an easy and comprehensible configuration layer for Create React App.
redux-webpack-es6-boilerplate - A starter project for modern React apps with Redux
nx - Build system, optimized for monorepos, with plugins for popular frameworks and tools and advanced CI capabilities including caching and distribution.
react-redux-universal-hot-example - A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-transform
react-app-rewired - Override create-react-app webpack configs without ejecting
react-firebase-starter - Boilerplate (seed) project for creating web apps with React.js, GraphQL.js and Relay
vue-cli - 🛠️ webpack-based tooling for Vue.js Development
react-boilerplate-cra-template - :fire: Setup Create React App with React Boilerplate. Highly scalable & Best DX & Performance Focused & Best practices.