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React-boilerplate Alternatives
Similar projects and alternatives to react-boilerplate
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A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows for loading parts of the application on demand. Through "loaders", modules can be CommonJs, AMD, ES6 modules, CSS, Images, JSON, Coffeescript, LESS, ... and your custom stuff.
Material UI
Ready-to-use foundational React components, free forever. It includes Material UI, which implements Google's Material Design.
🛡️ ⚛️ A simple, scalable, and powerful architecture for building production ready React applications.
Visual primitives for the component age. Use the best bits of ES6 and CSS to style your apps without stress 💅
A professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.
The web's most popular Jamstack front-end template (boilerplate) for building web applications with React
Boilerplate (seed) project for creating web apps with React.js, GraphQL.js and Relay
A toolkit for React, Preact, Inferno & vanilla JS apps, React libraries and other npm modules for the web, with no configuration (until you need it)
:fire: Setup Create React App with React Boilerplate. Highly scalable & Best DX & Performance Focused & Best practices.
react-boilerplate discussion
react-boilerplate reviews and mentions
Redux developers, please stop doing this!
I worked on a React project in 2019, I believe it was built on top of the react-boilerplate template, and the developer experience with Redux was so bad that I became a Vue developer.
Stay Ahead of the Game Must Have Front-End Boilerplates and Starter Kits for Every Developer
Clone this repo using git clone --depth=1
- How to structure my react project folders properly?
100+ Must Know Github Repositories For Any Programmer
10. React Boilerplate
Top 5 React Boilerplates to Know in 2023
2 React Boilerplate is a reliable and well-designed boilerplate in the Javascript UI Libraries, with 28.2k ratings on GitHub. The super-rich component and font base, together with Redux, Mocha, Redux-Saga, Jest, React Router, PostCSS, and reselect are all included. They support SEO indexing. Concentrating on app development and performance is more than enough.
Alternatives to Create React App
React Boilerplate is a fantastic tool for setting up a React project. On its main page, React Boilerplate touts its accessibility through its app even with no network connection and positions itself as the future of fast web apps.
Redux Sagas firing multiple times if injected in different containers
We are using and have a classic store layout with multiple components.
react-boilerplate authentication login page flashes on page reload
I'm working on an app with a login page and the rest of the pages of the app (should be logged in to view). I'm using react-boilerplate. From this example, I edited my asyncInjectors.js file to have redirectToLogin and redirectToDashboard methods:
Identity Server 4 Social Login for SPA
I'm working on application using a Web API( core) and a SPA (react-boilerplate). I'm starting work in user registration/login and one of the requirements is to allow for user to sign in with facebook, google, etc
Useful React tools and resources
React.js Boilerplate :
A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub | 7 Dec 2024
react-boilerplate/react-boilerplate is an open source project licensed under MIT License which is an OSI approved license.
The primary programming language of react-boilerplate is JavaScript.
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