
chokidar | parcel | |
27 | 183 | |
11,209 | 43,649 | |
0.9% | 0.2% | |
8.9 | 9.4 | |
17 days ago | 1 day ago | |
TypeScript | JavaScript | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.
Migrating from chokidar 3.x to 4.x
A big win recently in the e18e space is that chokidar published a new 4.x version!
- Chokidar 4.0
Boosting Rocket.Chat App Development with Hot Reload
I used the Chokidar library to watch for changes in the project directory. Chokidar detects file changes and triggers deployment commands automatically.
How to build a Web IDE like codesandbox?
We have a file explorer and a terminal, since files or directories could also be modified via terminal we need a way to communicate those changes to frontend. For this I made use of Chokidar, this package lets us setup file system watcher (nodemon also makes use of chokidar) and through following callbacks we can communicate file system changes.
The best testing setup for frontends, with Playwright and NextJS
For this, we'll use chokidar - more specifically the chokidar-cli package. chokidar is probably the most useful file watching library for the nodejs ecosystem and it will serve us well.
Why Does 'Is-Number' Package Have 59M Weekly Downloads?
tailwindcss -> chokidar -> braces -> fill-range -> to-regex-range -> is-number
is-number was first published 9 years ago, when these kind of micro-packages were in vogue. braces was added as a dependency to chokidar over 6 years ago [1]. And if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I don't think the average JS dev today is going out and pulling in these deps.
How nodemon works?
The watching magic is really in the library
Dart 3.1 and a retrospective on functional style programming in Dart
> It’s typical to listen to this stream of events and use chained if-else statements to determine an action based on the type of the events that occur.
You'd think something like directory watching would have a clear set of events that would make nice objects with consistent meanings, but in my experience file watching gets crazy complicated, and can have all sorts of edge cases.
Just take a looked here for all the various edge cases that crop up:
Then you have linux, windows, macos, and maybe you want to abstract over some underlying implementation like chokidar vs fb/watchman vs webpack/watchpack. Every new OS release could also cause things to change.
So usually its going to be a bunch of if-else statements hacked together to get around edge cases, and have to be revisited later on.
Any attempt to abstract this into objects, just obfuscates things. And OO forces you to name things, when in fact they might be un-nameable. `FileSystemModifyEventExceptWhenXAndYAndSometimesZ`.
The behavior might rely on a series of events together, so the object hierarchy must be re-worked.
OO has this rosy idea that we just have to come up with the perfect hierarchy, but things change in unexpected ways, and everything must have a descriptive noun.
Is there anyway to auto reload the browser page when using express?
Next, you can use a library like chokidar to listen for changes in your source directory. Create a ws server, and whenever a file changes, send a message.
How does nodemon works under the hood?
As another has mentioned, nodemon uses chokidar under the hood for the actual file watching part.
Bun 1.2 Is Released
From its documentation [1] it looks a lot like a parceljs replacement [2], i.e. a zero config bundler which processes and bundles the dependencies in .html pages. So great for simple websites, not for replacing an entire Vite stack.
What is Evan You doing by creating VoidZero, and what are the issues with JS toolchains?
Packagers are the ones we most frequently come into contact with, such as Webpack Vite and Parcel. The latter may not be commonly used, but it is also a well-established tool.
Node.js: A brief history of cjs, bundlers, and esm
npm packages dramatically sped up the productivity of developers by being able to leverage other developers' work. However, it had a major disadvantage: cjs was not compatible with web browsers. To solve this problem, the concept of bundlers was born. browserify was the first bundler which essentially worked by traversing an entry point and "bundling" all the require()-ed code into a single .js file compatible with web browsers. As time went on, other bundlers with additional features and differentiators were introduced. Most notably webpack, parcel, rollup, esbuild and vite (in chronological order).
- Parcel is a zero configuration build tool for the web
TypeScript 5.7 RC Released, New npm Alternative, The Future of JavaScript Frameworks and more
The AI Framework Debate
Bluetooth Low Energy based RGB LED Strip color control from a web browser and STM32
You will need a web bundler. You can use parcel.js
Connecting to BLE device and Reading Characteristics using JavaScript
To run this script, we need a web bundler like parcel js.
Tools and libraries widely used in micro frontend architectures!
Official Website
From Parcel to Vite: A short story of a 100K LOC migration
Someone even opened a discussion to ask if Parcel is dead. The official answer is no, Parcel is still alive, but it's in a we-are-working-on-a-large-refactor-and-no-time-for-minor-releases state. To us, it's like a "duck death": The latest version we can use is from more than a year ago, and we don't know when the next version will be released. It looks like it's dead, it acts like it's dead, so it's dead to us. Trust me, we tried.
Webpack Performance Tuning: Minimizing Build Times for Large Projects
While bundlers like Vite and Parcel present challenges due to our specific needs, two newer alternatives for Webpack show promise. Turbopack, the successor to Webpack created by Tobias Koppers, offers substantial performance enhancements. But, its current beta status and exclusivity for Next.js, limits its immediate usability for us.
What are some alternatives? - Monitor for any changes in your node.js application and automatically restart the server - perfect for development
gulp - A toolkit to automate & enhance your workflow
Filehound - Flexible and fluent interface for searching the file system
vite - Next generation frontend tooling. It's fast!
fs-extra - Node.js: extra methods for the fs object like copy(), remove(), mkdirs()
Rollup - Next-generation ES module bundler
globby - User-friendly glob matching
webpack - A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows for loading parts of the application on demand. Through "loaders", modules can be CommonJs, AMD, ES6 modules, CSS, Images, JSON, Coffeescript, LESS, ... and your custom stuff.
rimraf - A `rm -rf` util for nodejs
esbuild - An extremely fast bundler for the web
graceful-fs - fs with incremental backoff on EMFILE
grunt - Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner