
Wox | ueli | |
23 | 29 | |
24,968 | 3,814 | |
1.0% | 2.2% | |
9.5 | 9.7 | |
3 days ago | 3 days ago | |
Go | TypeScript | |
GNU General Public License v3.0 only | MIT License |
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We released a new powerful efficiency tool called RunFlow, which is similar to PowerToys and Alfred, welcome to try it
RunFlow is a cross-platform productivity tool which can launch apps and search files and more, that similar to Wox and PowerToys on Windows, and also similar like Alfred and Raycast on macOS. But we have differences with these tools, and we have our own unique new features. Right now, at the below, we will introduce you what features of RunFlow have been implemented in more details. It's an amazing journey, let's start.
Keypirinha: A fast launcher for keyboard ninjas on Windows
I find Wox (which also uses Everything) a really great quick launcher, it saves a lot of time.
Just formated my PC, and I forgot a certain Windows search software that I had
Maybe it's Wox (https://github.com/Wox-launcher/Wox) which is no longer maintained. Out of all these Spotlight alternatives, I think Fluent search is the best https://github.com/adirh3/Fluent-Search
Working with one Monitor
Sol: Open-source Alfred/Raycast alternative for macOS
I shared the exact same sentiment when I transitioned to Windows after a long period of only using macOS. I eventually began building a launcher myself using C# and over time it has become my daily driver. Feel free to check it out at https://github.com/dkgv/pinpoint, PRs welcome :-)
A few other nice candidates I found include:
- Keypirinha: https://keypirinha.com/
- Wox: https://github.com/Wox-launcher/Wox
- ueli: https://github.com/oliverschwendener/ueli
I am genuinely curious - why Microsoft thinks this is an acceptable default search behavior?
Other options that are open source are wox, cerebro and flow launcher
Microsoft says Windows 11 File Explorer ads were ‘not intended to be published externally’
Have a look at PowerToys Run - based on Wox, open-source, and officially MS-backed.
- I thought they've fixed it already?
In response to the desktop organization post 2 electric boogaloo
For anyone in need of a functional search in windows: I recommend Wox, it uses the everyhig searoh engine and it works flawlessly
Search results and Windows 10
Personally I avoid the start menu or anything related to Windows indexing. What I use is everything and wox.
Keypirinha: A fast launcher for keyboard ninjas on Windows
I went like this: Launchy -> KeyPirinha -> PowerToys (got too slow) -> UELI
It works really well for me, I've been using it for two years now.
'Screen Apnea'
I recently replaced Powertoys Run with ueli: https://ueli.app/
Basically the same thing, but Powertoys Run was always slowish while ueli is very snappy. It also integrates with Everything.
- [Mac Apps] Ueli: una alternativa gratuita a Alfred y Raycast
Should I worry about using Raycast on MacOS?
There are these open source alternatives, I haven’t checked their privacy policies or their code Maybe try and report back? https://www.cerebroapp.com https://qsapp.com https://ueli.app https://github.com/ParthJadhav/Verve
- Plugin that allows me to open many applications at once
Search works great, doesn't it?
What checks would allow you to deem a closed-source app as safe? (worries over Fluent Search)
Check out ueli, which is open source
My Ulitimate Windows Utility List
Ueli - https://github.com/oliverschwendener/ueli
Open source Windows apps you might have not heard of but (probably) should have
Good list. I'd probably add OpenShell (probably quite obvious) and Ueli as an app launcher.
Spyglass updated to crawl & index local text files (self-hosted search engine)
Everything + ueli
What are some alternatives?
Flow.Launcher - :mag: Quick file search & app launcher for Windows with community-made plugins
PowerToys - Windows system utilities to maximize productivity
vimflowy - An open source productivity tool drawing inspiration from workflowy and vim
EverythingToolbar - Everything integration for the Windows taskbar.
spotter - 🔭 Productivity tool to launch everything
shadowsocks-windows - A C# port of shadowsocks
Ulauncher - Feature rich application Launcher for Linux
EverythingToolbar - Everything integration for the Windows taskbar. [Moved to: https://github.com/srwi/EverythingToolbar]
Minecraft-Box-Launcher - Open source Minecraft Java Edition launcher built with ElectronJS
v2rayN - A GUI client for Windows, Linux and macOS, support Xray and sing-box and others
tilda - A Gtk based drop down terminal for Linux and Unix