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Top 23 Neovim Open-Source Projects
Sudo apt-get install ninja-build gettext libtool libtool-bin autoconf automake cmake g++ pkg-config unzip doxygen -y git clone cd neovim && make make install sudo make install cd .. rm -rf neovim
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fzf ( is really great. Very useful for providing a quick and easy user interface. For example, I use it to fuzzy find inside git branches to have an "improved checkout". I do that since at work branches are usually named "-", it's faster to search for the issue number.
Blazing fast Neovim config providing solid defaults and a beautiful UI, enhancing your neovim experience.
lazy.nvim is the most popular plugin manager of Neovim. Typical Neovim distributions, such as LazyVim or NvChad, use lazy.nvim in base, so many users use lazy.nvim without knowing it. Here I wrote one point advice to use lazy.nvim.
> I also settled on Lunarvim (ans stopped worrying)
Then I have some sad news for you. :(
Please take a look at this issue. The culprit is the path source of nvim-cmp.
Hay mas recursos en: Neovim's Awesome List.
Project mention: telescope.nvim: Find, Filter, Preview, Pick. All Lua, All the Time | | 2024-10-02
-- Bootstrap lazy.nvim local lazypath = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/lazy/lazy.nvim" if not (vim.uv or vim.loop).fs_stat(lazypath) then local lazyrepo = "" local out = vim.fn.system({ "git", "clone", "--filter=blob:none", "--branch=stable", lazyrepo, lazypath }) if vim.v.shell_error ~= 0 then vim.api.nvim_echo({ { "Failed to clone lazy.nvim:\n", "ErrorMsg" }, { out, "WarningMsg" }, { "\nPress any key to exit..." }, }, true, {}) vim.fn.getchar() os.exit(1) end end vim.opt.rtp:prepend(lazypath) -- Make sure to setup `mapleader` and `maplocalleader` before -- loading lazy.nvim so that mappings are correct. -- This is also a good place to setup other settings (vim.opt) vim.g.mapleader = " " vim.g.maplocalleader = "\\" -- Setup lazy.nvim require("lazy").setup({ spec = { -- All the plugins go here }, -- Configure any other settings here. See the documentation for more details. -- colorscheme that will be used when installing plugins. install = { missing = true, colorscheme = { "catppuccin-mocha" } }, -- automatically check for plugin updates checker = { enabled = true, notify = false }, }, { ui = { -- If you are using a Nerd Font: set icons to an empty table which will use the -- default lazy.nvim defined Nerd Font icons, otherwise define a unicode icons table icons = vim.g.have_nerd_font and {} or { cmd = 'β', config = 'π ', event = 'π ', ft = 'π', init = 'β', keys = 'π', plugin = 'π', runtime = 'π»', require = 'π', source = 'π', start = 'π', task = 'π', lazy = 'π€ ', }, }, })
Have you looked at Neovide? It's very similar to this, a cross-platform Rust based front end for neovim. Neovide is really quite nice it's beautifully rendered.
My primary use case for Neovide (vs neovim running in Wezterm/kitty/Alacritty) is simply so I can Alt/Cmd-TAB to it quickly as I usually run with many terminal windows open and it's somewhat of a chore to locate the one with nvim in it, whereas with Neovide I have a separate app with an icon in the dock/sysmenu to switch to.
AstroNvim is an aesthetic and feature-rich neovim config that is extensible and easy to use with a great set of plugins
Treesitter is what makes your neovim colorful. It uses the LSP and colorscheme and colors your variables, keywords and other stuff. To understand how treesitter works and configure treesitter please read the docs. Here is my configuration for treesitter:
Fuzzy Finder: fzf.vim (for its speed) along with telescope.nvim (for its ecosystem)
A Vim plugin which shows git diff markers in the sign column and stages/previews/undoes hunks and partial hunks.
A use-package inspired plugin manager for Neovim. Uses native packages, supports Luarocks dependencies, written in Lua, allows for expressive config
Portable package manager for Neovim that runs everywhere Neovim runs. Easily install and manage LSP servers, DAP servers, linters, and formatters.
Project mention: Mason.nvim: Portable package manager for Neovim that runs everywhere Neovim runs | | 2024-08-08 -
This works for installing the other plugins. But I can't seem to access nvim-tree. According to the website (, I should be able enter :NvimTreeOpen in neovim, but I get "Not an editor command: NvimTreeOpen." Any ideas?
Project mention: Iamcco/Markdown-preview.nvim: Markdown preview plugin for (neo)Vim | | 2024-09-24
This seems like what they have
π A clean, dark Neovim theme written in Lua, with support for lsp, treesitter and lots of plugins. Includes additional themes for Kitty, Alacritty, iTerm and Fish.
For example, let's set a color scheme, I like TokyoNight, you can set any you like:
Neovim discussion
Neovim related posts
Compile Neovim in Debian/Ubuntu Linux
telescope.nvim: Find, Filter, Preview, Pick. All Lua, All the Time
We need more zero config tools
Neovim plugin for real-time collaborative editing
Neovim for beginners
Iamcco/Markdown-preview.nvim: Markdown preview plugin for (neo)Vim
Scramble: Open-Source Alternative to Grammarly
A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub | 3 Oct 2024
What are some of the best open-source Neovim projects? This list will help you:
Project | Stars | |
1 | neovim | 82,158 |
2 | fzf | 64,134 |
3 | NvChad | 24,455 |
4 | LunarVim | 18,133 |
5 | vim-galore | 16,762 |
6 | LazyVim | 16,744 |
7 | awesome-neovim | 15,648 |
8 | telescope.nvim | 15,571 |
9 | yazi | 15,020 |
10 | lazy.nvim | 14,271 |
11 | neovide | 12,798 |
12 | AstroNvim | 12,591 |
13 | nvim-treesitter | 10,574 |
14 | nvim-lspconfig | 10,412 |
15 | fzf.vim | 9,608 |
16 | vim-gitgutter | 8,345 |
17 | packer.nvim | 7,853 |
18 | mason.nvim | 7,691 |
19 | nvim-tree.lua | 7,055 |
20 | markdown-preview.nvim | 6,668 |
21 | vimr | 6,657 |
22 | neorg | 6,343 |
23 | tokyonight.nvim | 6,247 |