- vue-supabase-tpa-demo VS pinia-plugin-persistedstate
- vue-supabase-tpa-demo VS vuetify
- vue-supabase-tpa-demo VS apollo-vue-devtools
- vue-supabase-tpa-demo VS vue-composable
- vue-supabase-tpa-demo VS ionic-vue-crud-supabaseio-series
- vue-supabase-tpa-demo VS vue-3-supabase
- vue-supabase-tpa-demo VS pinia-orm
- vue-supabase-tpa-demo VS learning-vue3
- vue-supabase-tpa-demo VS ionic-v6-firebase-tabs-auth
- vue-supabase-tpa-demo VS nuxt3-auth-example
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An isomorphic Javascript client for Supabase. Query your Supabase database, subscribe to realtime events, upload and download files, browse typescript examples, invoke postgres functions via rpc, invoke supabase edge functions, query pgvector.
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template for vuejs authentication flow using latest firebase version, latest ionic v6 and pinia for state management
vue-supabase-tpa-demo discussion
vue-supabase-tpa-demo reviews and mentions
Auth Flicker
Below is the relevant code (I modeled auth from this repo but it uses supabase v1) :
How to create route guard with Supabase correctly?
Posting in case this helps someone else down the road... found this fantastic repo implementing and fixing exactly what I needed. Setting it up in this way perfectly fixed the issue I was running in to!
maciejpedzich/vue-supabase-tpa-demo is an open source project licensed under MIT License which is an OSI approved license.
The primary programming language of vue-supabase-tpa-demo is TypeScript.