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V8go Alternatives
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Safely execute untrusted Javascript in your Javascript, and execute synchronous code that uses async functions
A template to build dynamic web apps quickly using Go, html/template and javascript
v8go discussion
v8go reviews and mentions
SSR React in Go
Firstly, I used rogchap/v8go to execute JavaScript in a Go environment. I listed other options below.
I built a local Laravel dev environment that doesn't require PHP at all
Now the only issue I see is that someone who can't be bothered to install PHP and composer will probably not want to install node and npm either. If you could somehow run WASM inside an executable file (maybe something written in Go with ? Or an Electron App ?), all you'd need to do is download the executable file on any computer and double click it to start serving a Laravel project.
Show HN: A Full-Stack Web Framework Written in Go
I only browsed for a wee bit, so take this with some salt, but it _looks_ like the framework is running a JS VM isolate alongside the Go server struct[1], which gets called with whatever script file is being rendered. Since it looks like the render files are, at least in the case of Svelte, individually compiled JS files that are SSR rendered via the V8 isolate, I _believe_ you're correct that there is no CSR (though there might still be JS-hydrated code if the Svelte component included something involving an interactive component).
I think the idea is to ingest a JS "template" and spit out the rendered HTML+JS, kind of like traditional SSR templates, but it could be possible to shoe-horn in an entire client-side router that gets initialized as a DOM object somewhere.
- QuickJS JavaScript Engine – Fabrice Bellard
Using Javascript plugins in Go is a viable option these days as well.
- Execute JavaScript from Go - JS functions with Go callbacks, update JS objects from Go & more
- V8go v0.5.0 Execute JavaScript from Go
- v8go: JavaScript in Go - v0.5.0 released 🎉 Global Objects, Function Templates, Go callbacks and loads more!
Plenti — a Svelte SSG for people that don’t like web maintenance bullsh#t
Plenti is a simple open source Static Site Generator (SSG) with a Go backend and Svelte frontend. Jim picked Golang because it is simple, quick and has the ability to generate a binary that can be run on any machine; and Svelte, well, for one, “Svelte is so hot right now” and also because of the power it gives developers to write simple HTML and CSS to create websites. Merging these two technologies was not an easy task, but with V8Go binding the two together, it’s a marriage that works.
- Execute JavaScript from Go
A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub | 14 Oct 2024
rogchap/v8go is an open source project licensed under BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License which is an OSI approved license.
The primary programming language of v8go is Go.