WSL come with a minimal terminal. In this section, we will configure the terminal to add some features and style using Oh My ZSH and the theme Powerlevel10k.
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🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 2,400+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python, etc), 140+ themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.
WSL come with a minimal terminal. In this section, we will configure the terminal to add some features and style using Oh My ZSH and the theme Powerlevel10k.
Default terminal colors can be inappropriate. They do not play well with the theme we will install later. To address this issue we will follow tomorrow color theme. Note tomorrow do not provide a theme file dedicated to windows default terminal, but we can define the colors manually.
from base16-tomorrow-night first column is the original value, third column is the tomorrow theme value