I'd suggest getting rid of buildSrc, and just using build composition. I mentioned in another response, but check out https://github.com/jjohannes/idiomatic-gradle for how to use precompiled script plugins that are connected to the project via includedBuilds. The only issues I've had with this are generally resolved by just running the sub-build independently to resolve any caching issues in the 'primary' build. A simple gradlew build --settings-file ./build-logic/settings.gradle.kts run will generally resolve that, and that issue seems largely because of the 'root' build being a peer or anscestor of the included build (due to legacy structure of the project, an issue the linked example repo does not have).
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You’d need a Kotlin sbt plugin. The build is declared in ./build.sbt using Scala syntax. The official docs are comprehensive. You could generate an empty Scala project in IntelliJ and add the Kotlin plug-in, and then copy your code package by package and see how well it gets built and integrates, something small, a sort of a smoke test.