RISC-V Supervisor Binary Interface (RISC-V SBI) library in Rust; runs on M or HS mode; good support for embedded Rust ecosystem. For binary download see https://github.com/rustsbi/prototyper.
RustSBI - maybe u/CyReVolt know what is community opinion, especially Ron, about this repo, maybe even someone tried it.
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
QSPI flash multiplexer - connect a SPI NOR flash to either an embedded system or a programmer for remote firmware tests
qspimux - we know Felix for quite some time and used that project in ASUS KGPE-D16 compatible Dasharo firmware. I will mention that project when we will get to KGPE-D16 during the vPub.
lnDSO150 - never heard about this one, thanks for the reference. Mayb u/mean00 could jump in and talk little bit about this cool project at future vPub? I also noticed that GigaDevice seem to have STM replacements. I wonder if they have the same supply chain issues.
bcm5719-fw - I saw announcement of this project on Raptor Forum. I will ask melrott, if there is intrest in introducing project at vPub.