Now the real Reason site primarily mentions using js_of_ocaml for JS compilation instead of endorsing bucklescript, though maybe when Melange's changes and updates* to bucklescript stabilise it'll switch over to suggesting that. jsoo is good at what it does but it uses some OCaml black magic that creates some awful error messages; plus it converts the intermediate AST representation to JS and creates a giant unreadable blob. BuckleScript (and now Melange) take over compilation a bit earlier, giving you more readable output and allowing some things to be done more smoothly.
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They’re not completely ignored; they’re actually available at runtime (which is even worse, since it gets used for some horrible metaprogramming). But if you really want, you could run your Python scripts with mypy $1 && python3 $1.
TL;DR: Reason is, and always has been, independent of ReScript (formerly BuckleScript) and is still actively maintained. If you want to use Reason or OCaml to make native code you can. If you want to compile JS from OCaml or Reason you also still can, but you'll want to use either js_of_ocaml or a BuckleScript fork named Melange that was made in response to the BuckleScript/ReScript people's shenanigans. And if you only care about JS-like syntax and JS output, you can use ReScript.
TL;DR: Reason is, and always has been, independent of ReScript (formerly BuckleScript) and is still actively maintained. If you want to use Reason or OCaml to make native code you can. If you want to compile JS from OCaml or Reason you also still can, but you'll want to use either js_of_ocaml or a BuckleScript fork named Melange that was made in response to the BuckleScript/ReScript people's shenanigans. And if you only care about JS-like syntax and JS output, you can use ReScript.
* BuckleScript/ReScript works by forking the OCaml compiler and has been stuck on years-out-of-date versions of it as a result. Works well but you miss out on some nice stuff that's been done the past few years. Melange is trying to fix some of that by splitting out the compiler changes in a way that lets it keep up with recent compiler versions, plus eventually replace its odd custom Ninja-based build system with OCaml ecosystem stuff (dune for build, esy for packages).