Ripl provides a unified API for 2D graphics rendering in the browser with a focus towards high performance and interactive data visualization.
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> DOM-like event bubbling
This does sound very interesting. I started playing with https://two.js.org/ for a browser game but the event system proved a challange. The typescript focus also looks promising. Will give it a try.
Hey there,
If a focus is on performance, would you consider doing a side-by-side with other similar libs?
This benchmark was posted on HN a few years back, for example: https://benchmarks.slaylines.io/ (from https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23083730)
Or something like the bunnymarks for Pixi (https://www.goodboydigital.com/pixijs/bunnymark/) and Konva (https://konvajs.org/docs/sandbox/Jumping_Bunnies.html)
In general, your lib reminds me a lot of Konva. I found their examples page to be really helpful in illustrating higher-level usage: https://konvajs.org/docs/sandbox/index.html
Maybe real-world use cases like that could be helpful for yours too? As it is, the readme doesn't make it super clear why it's preferable to any of the other existing libs yet. There are already so many, each with strengths and weaknesses... what sets yours apart?
For example, I don't know why "rendering to both Canvas and SVG" is a selling point in particular. Are there platform-specific reasons (native?) to prefer one over the other, as opposed to whatever a particular lib's implementation might be? Is there a use case where mixing and matching the two might be helpful?