Creating a DevSecOps pipeline with Jenkins — Part 1

This page summarizes the projects mentioned and recommended in the original post on

InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
InfluxDB Platform is powered by columnar analytics, optimized for cost-efficient storage, and built with open data standards.
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews
SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
  • vulnado

    Purposely vulnerable Java application to help lead secure coding workshops

    pipeline { agent any stages { stage('Checkout') { steps { git '' } } stage('Build') { steps { sh 'mvn clean package' } } stage('SonarQube Analysis') { steps{ withSonarQubeEnv(installationName: 'sonar-local') { sh "mvn clean verify sonar:sonar -Dsonar.projectKey=vulnado -Dsonar.projectName='vulnado'" } } } } }

  • InfluxDB

    Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale. InfluxDB Platform is powered by columnar analytics, optimized for cost-efficient storage, and built with open data standards.

    InfluxDB logo
  • semgrep

    Lightweight static analysis for many languages. Find bug variants with patterns that look like source code.

    For the SAST stage, I used SonarQube tool. SonarQube is an open-source platform developed by SonarSource for continuous inspection of code quality to perform automatic reviews with static analysis of code to detect bugs and code smells on more than 30 programming languages. I preferred SonarQube instead of other SAST tools because it has a detailed documentation and plugins about integration with Jenkins and SonarQube works with Java projects pretty well. Of course you can similar multi-language-supported tools such as Semgrep or language-specific tools such as Bandit.

  • bandit

    Bandit is a tool designed to find common security issues in Python code.

    For the SAST stage, I used SonarQube tool. SonarQube is an open-source platform developed by SonarSource for continuous inspection of code quality to perform automatic reviews with static analysis of code to detect bugs and code smells on more than 30 programming languages. I preferred SonarQube instead of other SAST tools because it has a detailed documentation and plugins about integration with Jenkins and SonarQube works with Java projects pretty well. Of course you can similar multi-language-supported tools such as Semgrep or language-specific tools such as Bandit.

NOTE: The number of mentions on this list indicates mentions on common posts plus user suggested alternatives. Hence, a higher number means a more popular project.

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