> The tool that it's being used for this offering is this one, https://github.com/arXiv/arxiv-readability, just to save a few clicks :)
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
FWIW, I recently learned that it is also possible to produce nice PDF papers with GNU roff (groff), have a look at this example: https://github.com/SudarsonNantha/LinuxConfigs/blob/master/....
This is the reason I've never liked LaTeX from a data point view. It's made to be printed out or get to look beautiful on a PDF but was never designed to get you to a HTML file or a Word file.
I've written my thesis in Markdown in the past because of this (best for humans) which can be easily transformed to HTML, Word, PDF and even LaTeX https://github.com/tompollard/phd_thesis_markdown
And I think that XML is the best format for machines.
That's it in spirit, but in practice it's refreshed:
Renders papers from arXiv as responsive web pages so you don't have to squint at a PDF.
For anyone who needs it, arxiv-vanity is amazing: https://www.arxiv-vanity.com/
arxiv-sanity lite: tag arxiv papers of interest get recommendations of similar papers in a nice UI using SVMs over tfidf feature vectors based on paper abstracts.
https://github.com/neilpanchal/spinzero-jupyter-theme /fonts/{cmu-text,cmu-mono} :
> "Computer Modern" is used for body text to give it a professional/academic look