We make view controller instantiation more type-safe by eliminating string IDs and use metaprogramming to generate functions that let you create, push, and present any view controller in 1 LOC, so you can save ~15 LOC whenever you want to perform push or present. It works both with storyboard-based view controllers and code-only ones. The generated code is autocomplete-friendly. Here is the full source code example.
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Now that we have designed our APIs we can generate the code. For each view controller in our project, we are going to generate 3 functions: create, push, and present. We are going to generate code with Sourcery — a tool developed by Krzysztof Zabłocki.
The Swift code generator for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs!
It is important to say that there is an elegant solution to the resource consistency problem that we haven’t adapted yet. Instead of testing raw values of UIStoryboard.Name cases, we could just generate the UIStoryboard.Name enum. Please refer to SwiftGen for the details.