Two by far the most popular plugins are zsh-syntax-highlighting and zsh-autosuggestions. They are of high quality and quite useful.
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Two by far the most popular plugins are zsh-syntax-highlighting and zsh-autosuggestions. They are of high quality and quite useful.
The most popular standalone prompt/theme is likely powerlevel10k (disclaimer: my project).
Have a look at awesome Zsh. You can find pretty much everything there. If that’s too much, searching GitHub labels is a good way to find plugins by popularity (aka: number of stars).
If you are just looking for a recommendation, I have been telling people starting out to have a look at belak/zsh-utils. Zsh-Utils is a core set of basic Zsh config plugins to get your history, completion, and prompt set up without all the extra bloat of frameworks like Prezto/OMZ, and it’s written by a Prezto maintainer.
I use about 12 plugins, most of which I've written myself.
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More on topic, I use zim, but mostly write my own plugins/modules/ad-hoc/post-hoc scripts