How to create YOLOv8-based object detection web service using Python, Julia, Node.js, JavaScript, Go and Rust

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  1. yolov8_pytorch_python

    YOLOv8 inference using Ultralytics API

    As a base, we will use the web service, developed in the previous article, which is available in this repository. We will just rewrite the backend of this web service on different languages. That is why it's required to read the first article before continue reading this.

  2. SaaSHub

    SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

    SaaSHub logo
  3. yolov8_onnx_python

    YOLOv8 inference using Python

    You can find the whole project with comments in this GitHub repository.

  4. ONNXRunTime.jl

    Julia bindings for onnxruntime

    ONNXRuntime - this is the Julia bindings for ONNX runtime library.

  5. yolov8_onnx_julia

    YOLOv8 inference using Julia

    You can find the source code of the Julia project in this repository.

  6. multer

    Node.js middleware for handling `multipart/form-data`.

    multer - Middleware for Express.js to handle file uploads

  7. yolov8_onnx_nodejs

    YOLOv8 inference using Node.js

    You can find a source code of Node.js object detector web service in this repository.

  8. yolov8_onnx_javascript

    YOLOv8 inference using Javascript

    You can find a source code of JavaScript object detector web service in this repository.

  9. onnxruntime_go

    A Go (golang) library wrapping microsoft/onnxruntime. - ONNX runtime library bindings for Golang

  10. resize

    Discontinued Pure golang image resizing - the library to resize images. (Perhaps you can find more modern library, but I just used this one because it works properly)

  11. onnxruntime

    ONNX Runtime: cross-platform, high performance ML inferencing and training accelerator

    Before continue, ensure that the ONNX runtime installed on your operating system, because the library that integrated to the Rust package may not work correctly. To install it, you can download the archive for your operating system from here, extract and copy contents of "lib" subfolder to the system libraries path of your operating system.

  12. tensor

    package tensor provides efficient and generic n-dimensional arrays in Go that are useful for machine learning and deep learning purposes

    If you like to work with this output in a more convenient "Pythonic" way, there is a Gorgonia Tensor library that emulates features of NumPy in Go. You can use it to physically reshape the output to 84x400, then transpose to 8400x84 and then traverse detected objects by row.

  13. yolov8_onnx_go

    YOLOv8 Inference using Go

    You can find a source code of Go object detector web service in this repository.

  14. ort

    Fast ML inference & training for ONNX models in Rust (by pykeio)

    ort - ONNX runtime library.

  15. yolov8_onnx_rust

    YOLOv8 inference using Rust

    You can find a source code of Rust object detector web service in this repository.

  16. onnxruntime-php

    Run ONNX models in PHP

    Also, there are unofficial bindings for other languages, like PHP. It's a great way to integrate neural networks to WordPress websites.

  17. sharp

    High performance Node.js image processing, the fastest module to resize JPEG, PNG, WebP, AVIF and TIFF images. Uses the libvips library.

    sharp - An image processing library

  18. serde

    Serialization framework for Rust

    serde,serde_derive,serde_json - Serialization library to serialize data to JSON.

  19. Rocket

    A web framework for Rust.

    rocket - Web framework.

  20. Express

    Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.

    express - Express.js web framework

NOTE: The number of mentions on this list indicates mentions on common posts plus user suggested alternatives. Hence, a higher number means a more popular project.

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