TypeScript Prettier

Open-source TypeScript projects categorized as Prettier

Top 23 TypeScript Prettier Projects

  • noodle

    Rethinking Student Productivity

  • SaaSHub

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  • precedent

    An opinionated collection of components, hooks, and utilities for your Next.js project.

  • typescript-starter

    Quickly create and configure a new library or Node.js project

  • prettier-plugin-sort-imports

    A prettier plugin to sort imports in typescript and javascript files by the provided RegEx order.

    Project mention: Tailwind CSS: Automatic Class Sorting with Prettier | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-01-18

    In a similar vein, you can sort imports with Prettier using Trivago’s plugin.


  • node-typescript-boilerplate

    Minimalistic project template to jump start a Node.js back-end application in TypeScript. ESLint, Vitest and type definitions included.

  • typescript-express-starter

    πŸ“˜ Quick and Easy TypeScript Express Starter

  • pretty-quick

    ⚑ Get Pretty Quick

  • vscode-react-javascript-snippets

    Extension for React/Javascript snippets with search supporting ES7+ and babel features

    Project mention: Must Have VsCode extensions for Web-developers | dev.to | 2024-07-24

    Github: Js snippets Marketplace: Snippets marketplace

  • shittier

    Shittier is an unconventional code formatting tool

    Project mention: Shittier: Code formatting tool that makes your code look terrible | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-02-27
  • create-typescript-app

    Quickstart-friendly TypeScript template with comprehensive, configurable, opinionated tooling. πŸ’

    Project mention: Kick off Your New Year Goals with #100DaysOfOSS | dev.to | 2024-01-02

    This was an early one: https://app.opensauced.pizza/feed/401 After that, I've been working on a significant contribution which is still in progress, but there will hopefully be a highlight soon. In the meantime, the PR is here: https://github.com/JoshuaKGoldberg/create-typescript-app/pull/775

  • livecodes

    Code Playground That Just Works!

    Project mention: Show HN: LiquidUI – Library for creating shaky UI in React | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-05-31
  • prettierd

    prettier, as a daemon, for improved formatting speed.

  • next-shopify-storefront

    πŸ› A Shopping Cart built with TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Headless UI, Next.js, React.js, Shopify Hydrogen React,... and Shopify Storefront GraphQL API.

  • create-next-stack

    Create Next Stack is a website and CLI tool used to easily set up the boilerplate of new Next.js apps.

  • Serverless-Boilerplate-Express-TypeScript

    πŸš€πŸŽ‰πŸ“š Boilerplate and Starter for Serverless framework, ExpressJS, TypeScript, Prisma and MongoDB ⚑️ Made with developer experience first: Serverless framework + Live reload + Offline support + ExpressJS + TypeScript + ESLint + Prettier + Husky + Commitlint + Lint-Staged + Jest + Dotenv + esbuild + VSCode

  • coc-prettier

    Prettier extension for coc.nvim.

  • next-starter

    A Next.js starter template, packed with features like TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Next-auth, Eslint, Stripe, testing tools and more. Jumpstart your project with efficiency and style.

    Project mention: Next.js Starter Template | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-04-24
  • reactjs-vite-tailwindcss-boilerplate

    This is a boilerplate build with Vite, React 18, TypeScript, Vitest, Testing Library, TailwindCSS 3, Eslint and Prettier.

  • express-typescript-skeleton

    πŸ”°πŸ¦Έ Template to start developing a REST API with Node.js (Express), TypeScript, Ts.ED, ESLint, Prettier, Husky, Prisma, etc.

  • prettier-plugin-astro

    Prettier plugin for Astro

  • ts-ci

    πŸš€ A project starter for module publisher

  • prettier-plugin-blade

    Format your blade template using Prettier

  • prettier-plugin-go-template

    Fixes prettier formatting for go templates 🐹

    Project mention: 10k Bounty for Rewriting Prettier in Rust | news.ycombinator.com | 2023-11-12

    This would probably be a good thing on net, but how would plugins for Rust work?

    I use <https://github.com/NiklasPor/prettier-plugin-go-template> a bit and I'm not sure what one would have to do to make a plugin for a Rust binary.

NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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TypeScript Prettier related posts

  • Open-source WYSIWYG text editor component built with Tailwind CSS and Flowbite

    2 projects | dev.to | 29 Sep 2024
  • Livecodes.io: open-source, client-side code playground for 80 languages

    1 project | news.ycombinator.com | 16 Mar 2024
  • LiveCodes for Education πŸŽ“

    2 projects | dev.to | 27 Nov 2023
  • 10k Bounty for Rewriting Prettier in Rust

    2 projects | news.ycombinator.com | 12 Nov 2023
  • [Showoff Saturday] Sheriff reaches version 14.4.0!

    1 project | /r/webdev | 28 Aug 2023
  • LiveCodes: a code playground for React, Vue, Svelte, Solid, Typescript, Python, Go, Ruby, PHP and 80+ languages/frameworks.

    1 project | /r/coolgithubprojects | 7 Aug 2023
  • How to auto sort imports in frontend, example with typescript & nextjs

    2 projects | dev.to | 12 Jun 2023
  • A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub
    www.saashub.com | 11 Oct 2024
    SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives Learn more β†’


What are some of the best open-source Prettier projects in TypeScript? This list will help you:

Project Stars
1 noodle 11,969
2 precedent 4,776
3 typescript-starter 3,474
4 prettier-plugin-sort-imports 3,293
5 node-typescript-boilerplate 2,726
6 typescript-express-starter 2,693
7 pretty-quick 2,219
8 vscode-react-javascript-snippets 1,732
9 shittier 1,630
10 create-typescript-app 929
11 livecodes 798
12 prettierd 782
13 next-shopify-storefront 744
14 create-next-stack 563
15 Serverless-Boilerplate-Express-TypeScript 546
16 coc-prettier 546
17 next-starter 555
18 reactjs-vite-tailwindcss-boilerplate 548
19 express-typescript-skeleton 519
20 prettier-plugin-astro 476
21 ts-ci 350
22 prettier-plugin-blade 325
23 prettier-plugin-go-template 309

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SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives