TypeScript Mathematics

Open-source TypeScript projects categorized as Mathematics

Top 13 TypeScript Mathematic Projects

  • penrose

    Create beautiful diagrams just by typing notation in plain text.

    Project mention: Penrose – Tool for Diagrams | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-05-30

    Penrose is a platform that enables people to create beautiful diagrams just by typing notation in plain text.


  • SaaSHub

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  • cocalc

    CoCalc: Collaborative Calculation in the Cloud

    Project mention: Ask HN: Did you encounter any Leap Year bugs today? How bad was it? | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-02-29

    I have some unit tests for billing and subscription code for my company that started breaking in CI today due to the leap day: https://github.com/sagemathinc/cocalc/commit/8575029c2b76787...

  • textbooks

    Source code of Mathigon's interactive textbooks

  • noteworthy

    Markdown editor with bidirectional links and excellent math support, powered by ProseMirror. (In Development!)

  • mathberet

    Mathberet is a self-hosted digital mathematics notebook written in React and Typescript, designed for math students who need a platform for graphing, sketching, and writing in LaTeX.

  • obsidian-mathpad

    Computer Algebra System (CAS) for Obsidian.md

  • coc-calc

    Calculate extension for coc.nvim

  • fourier-series

    A web app demonstrating how the Fourier series can be used to approximate user-inputted line drawing – visualised with animations of epicycles.

  • curve-shortening-demo

    Visualize curve shortening flow in your browser.

  • jsbi-calculator

    JSBI-Calculator is an IE11-compatible calculator utility to perform arbitrary (up to 18 decimals) arithmetic computation, with the help of JSBI-based BigDecimal.

  • Bruhat-Tits-Tree-Visualiser

    A visualiser of the Bruhat-Tits tree over ℚp.

  • BloatedMath

    Extensive TypeScript Math Library.

  • sumproduct-proto

    Mental arithmetics game

NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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What are some of the best open-source Mathematic projects in TypeScript? This list will help you:

Project Stars
1 penrose 7,509
2 cocalc 1,163
3 textbooks 355
4 noteworthy 231
5 mathberet 177
6 obsidian-mathpad 93
7 coc-calc 80
8 fourier-series 49
9 curve-shortening-demo 22
10 jsbi-calculator 11
11 Bruhat-Tits-Tree-Visualiser 5
12 BloatedMath 1
13 sumproduct-proto 0

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