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Top 23 TypeScript Lsp Projects
Nodejs extension host for vim & neovim, load extensions like VSCode and host language servers.
Neovim comes with a client. For Vim you will need to install one, such as CoC, LanguageClient-neovim, or vim-lsp.
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I'd almost given up on finding "the right" solution. Everywhere I looked, others had "solved" the issue in different ways: they were using the vtsls TypeScript LSP wrapper instead of ts_ls, or they were using coc.nvim, or the now-archived null-ls.nvim. But nowhere could I simply find a reliable configuration for a Vue language server configured natively in NeoVim.
Coding assistance for JupyterLab (code navigation + hover suggestions + linters + autocompletion + rename) using Language Server Protocol
Repo hosts npm packages for monaco-languageclient, vscode-ws-jsonrpc, monaco-editor-wrapper, @typefox/monaco-editor-react and monaco-languageclient-examples
Project mention: So, you want to set up a Monaco editor with a language server | | 2024-10-19The following example will be based on a bare client example implementation from the languageclient repo.
A language server for Dockerfiles powered by Node.js, TypeScript, and VSCode technologies.
vscode/vscodium extension for providing Ansible auto-completion and integrating quality assurance tools like ansible-lint, ansible syntax check, yamllint, molecule and ansible-test.
Development tools for vanilla Minecraft: Java Edition data pack developers. (by SpyglassMC)
intelephense (PHP language server) extension for coc.nvim. intelephense’s various LSP features and this extension's additional features are available.
Pin Save is a platform for decentralized content aggregation and image sharing where community owns content.
An extension for VSCode which provides autocompletion for the translations within your project. Uses under the hood.
An extension for Visual Studio Code that enables language support for Apache Dispatcher Configuration files. ⚙️
TypeScript Lsp discussion
TypeScript Lsp related posts
So, you want to set up a Monaco editor with a language server
Helix - Front-End Power
A guide on Neovim's LSP client
How do I confirm if my haskell language server is working properly?
ready to use neovim for web development (frontend) - beginners
Using CoC inlay hints
Suspense your federated component with caution
A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub | 16 Jan 2025
What are some of the best open-source Lsp projects in TypeScript? This list will help you:
# | Project | Stars |
1 | coc.nvim | 24,591 |
2 | typescript-language-server | 2,002 |
3 | jupyterlab-lsp | 1,837 |
4 | monaco-languageclient | 1,105 |
5 | vscode-haskell | 565 |
6 | coc-flutter | 472 |
7 | diagnostic-languageserver | 422 |
8 | elm-language-server | 419 |
9 | dockerfile-language-server | 392 |
10 | vscode-ansible | 378 |
11 | Spyglass | 332 |
12 | magic-racket | 204 |
13 | coc-angular | 146 |
14 | coc-java-debug | 102 |
15 | coc-intelephense | 98 |
16 | elixir-tools.vscode | 90 |
17 | coc-perl | 36 |
18 | coc-pylsp | 35 |
19 | vscode-lsp-wl | 32 |
20 | coc-homeassistant | 26 |
21 | PinSave-EVM | 8 |
22 | vscode-lsp-translations | 7 |
23 | vscode-apache-dispatcher-config-language-support | 1 |