TypeScript erc721

Open-source TypeScript projects categorized as erc721

Top 7 TypeScript erc721 Projects

  • ethora

    A 'super app' engine for your project. React Native (iOS, Android) and React.js (Web, desktop). Social Sign In 🄵, Messaging 💬 (chat, voice, push notifications), Web3 Wallet 🪪 (profile QR, documents, coins, NFT), DLT 🔐 (provenance, crypto signing), Gamification 🤩, Social Commerce and more.

    Project mention: Introducing Open Source Super app "Ethora Engine" | dev.to | 2024-05-09

    You can also take a peek into our code for implementing your project: https://github.com/dappros/ethora or clone the repo, change the splash screen, and build your app on top of our engine if you like how things are arranged there.

  • SaaSHub

    SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

    SaaSHub logo
  • defi-dapps-solidity-smart-contracts

    This is a Web 3 Smart Contract learning and teaching repo which will be used to teach students all across Pakistan.

  • open-nft-marketplace

    An NFT Marketplace running on ethereum, binance smart chain, polygon, avalanche, fantom, optimism and arbitrum powered by 0x smart contracts. Made in React/Next JS, MUI and Typescript.

  • contracts

    🎵📜🎹 Solidity contract for random sounds NFT (by randomsounds-wtf)

  • website

    🌍 source code for the randomsounds.wtf website (by randomsounds-wtf)

  • Synthetix-ERC721-Staking

    ERC721 NFT Staking Contract based on a modified version of Synthetix StakingRewards.sol

  • celopunk-auction

    CeloPunk is a NFT marketplace on celo testnet chain (Alfajores). It allows user mint, buying, make an offer, claim funds of NFTs in an automated environment.

NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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What are some of the best open-source erc721 projects in TypeScript? This list will help you:

Project Stars
1 ethora 441
2 defi-dapps-solidity-smart-contracts 281
3 open-nft-marketplace 78
4 contracts 25
5 website 13
6 Synthetix-ERC721-Staking 11
7 celopunk-auction 5

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