Trending PLSQL Projects

This page lists the top trending PLSQL projects based on the growth of GitHub stars.
It is updated once every day. The last update was on 2 Sep 2024.
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Top 5 Trending PLSQL Projects

  • datavault4dbt

    Scalefree's dbt package for a Data Vault 2.0 implementation congruent to the original Data Vault 2.0 definition by Dan Linstedt including the Staging Area, DV2.0 main entities, PITs and Snapshot Tables.

  • db-sample-schemas

    Oracle Database Sample Schemas

  • Logger

    Logger is used by Oracle developers to instrument their PL/SQL code (by OraOpenSource)

  • pljson

    PL/JSON is a generic JSON object written in PL/SQL. Using PL/SQL object syntax, users instantiate a JSON object and then add members, arrays and additional JSON objects. This object type can store JSON data, in Oracle, persistently.

  • utPLSQL

    Testing Framework for PL/SQL

ABOUT: The growth percentage is calculated as the increase in the number of stars compared to the previous month. We list only projects that have at least 500 stars and a GitHub organization logo set.


What are some of the trending open-source PLSQL projects? This list will help you:

Project Growth
1 datavault4dbt 3.0%
2 db-sample-schemas 1.4%
3 Logger 1.3%
4 pljson 0.9%
5 utPLSQL 0.5%