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Top 23 Java spring-security Projects
eladmin jpa 版本:项目基于 Spring Boot 2.6.4、 Jpa、 Spring Security、Redis、Vue的前后端分离的后台管理系统,项目采用分模块开发方式, 权限控制采用 RBAC,支持数据字典与数据权限管理,支持一键生成前后端代码,支持动态路由
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Springdoc OpenAPI
Security engine for Java (authentication, authorization, multi frameworks): OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT...
Sample project on how to implement JWT security based using Spring boot 3 and Spring security 6
I’m not sure what language you want to use but I created my own boilerplate in Java + Springboot based off this repo:
Spring and Spring Boot Tutorial For Absolute Beginners - 10-in-1 - Spring to Spring Boot to REST API to Full Stack to Containers to Cloud
Spring Boot + Security: Token Based Authentication example with JWT, Authorization, Spring Data & MySQL
Reddit clone built using Spring Boot, Spring Security with JWT Authentication, Spring Data JPA with MySQL, Spring MVC. The frontend is built using Angular - You can find the frontend source code here -
Real World Spring Boot Web Application Example with tons of ready to use features
🥇 A brand-new Java scaffold; a fresh blueprint for the Java ecosystem; a modern philosophy of Java programming.
Project mention: A brand new Java scaffolding has been born today for Make Java Great Again! | | 2024-11-05Github-Document Homepage-Document
Spring Boot Boilerplate is a starter kit. This project includes : Spring Boot(3.4.0), Spring Data JPA, Spring Validation, Spring Security + JWT Token, PostgreSQL, Mapstruct, Lombok, Swagger (Open API) (by Genc)
This module is based on Spring Authorization Server and contains information on using Spring Security OAuth2
The goal of this project is to create a simple Spring Boot REST API, called simple-service, and secure it with Keycloak. Furthermore, the API users will be loaded into Keycloak from OpenLDAP server.
Code of the 'Practical Guide to Building an API Back End with Spring Boot' book
The banking portal API provides secure and efficient endpoints for managing user accounts, transactions, and fund transfers, offering essential banking functionalities with robust error handling and authentication.
Java backend application using Spring-security to implement JWT based Authentication and Authorization
Java spring-security discussion
Java spring-security related posts
[I Love Spring Security] JWT based Auth, API Access Control and Token Revocation POC
Spring Boot Asynchronous OTP Generation and Email Sending
Dont know how to create an Unique Id Generator [Spring Boot]
Need to create a secure login and reset password
Recruiters: Do you consider a candidate using open source software in personal projects as a good thing or a bad thing? (Example provided)
JWT based Authorization flow using Spring Security 6 and Spring Boot 3 🛠⭐️
How do you guys apply API Security/Authorization and Authentication to your personal projects
A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub | 3 Dec 2024
What are some of the best open-source spring-security projects in Java? This list will help you:
Project | Stars | |
1 | eladmin | 21,364 |
2 | springdoc-openapi | 3,304 |
3 | pac4j | 2,433 |
4 | spring-security-oauth | 1,997 |
5 | spring-boot-3-jwt-security | 1,885 |
6 | spring-boot-jwt | 1,505 |
7 | master-spring-and-spring-boot | 1,401 |
8 | spring-boot-spring-security-jwt-authentication | 1,353 |
9 | sureness | 868 |
10 | spring-reddit-clone | 667 |
11 | clean-architecture-delivery-example | 410 |
12 | joinfaces | 393 |
13 | spring-boot-web-application-sample | 304 |
14 | mjga-scaffold | 268 |
15 | spring-boot-boilerplate | 255 |
16 | springboot-api-rest-example | 211 |
17 | webauthn4j-spring-security | 196 |
18 | spring-security-oauth2-sample | 185 |
19 | springboot-keycloak-openldap | 149 |
20 | spring-boot-building-api-backend | 133 |
21 | BankingPortal-API | 126 |
22 | spring-examples | 111 |
23 | jwt-auth-flow-spring-security | 103 |