Java Python

Open-source Java projects categorized as Python

Top 23 Java Python Projects

  • Selenium WebDriver

    A browser automation framework and ecosystem.

    Project mention: How Elite Engg. Teams Deploy 208X More Frequently Compared to Us Mere Mortals? | | 2024-07-12

    Enhancing Testing Protocols: If you have a high CFR, you can invest in comprehensive automated testing. Tools like Selenium for web applications or JUnit for Java can help ensure that changes are thoroughly tested before deployment.

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    ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files.

    Project mention: How to develop code analyzer in 48 hours | | 2024-08-14

    We've chosen ANTLR v4. The tool is also written in Java, which makes it really easy to use. Over many years of development, it has started to fare very well.

  • Deeplearning4j

    Suite of tools for deploying and training deep learning models using the JVM. Highlights include model import for keras, tensorflow, and onnx/pytorch, a modular and tiny c++ library for running math code and a java based math library on top of the core c++ library. Also includes samediff: a pytorch/tensorflow like library for running deep learn...

    Project mention: Deeplearning4j Suite Overview | | 2024-03-29
  • aws-doc-sdk-examples

    Welcome to the AWS Code Examples Repository. This repo contains code examples used in the AWS documentation, AWS SDK Developer Guides, and more. For more information, see the file below.

    Project mention: Bridging AI and real-time data with tools | | 2024-10-02

    A python virtual environment setup with packages installed via requirements.txt. Read more about doing this here.

  • beam

    Apache Beam is a unified programming model for Batch and Streaming data processing.

    Project mention: No SNAPSHOTs | | 2024-07-30

    Even ASF does not use Maven to build some of its projects anymore: Beam, Groovy, Lucene, Geode, POI, and Solr are not built with Maven. Those are not the most popular ASF projects, I know, but still, it is something.

  • QR-Code-generator

    High-quality QR Code generator library in Java, TypeScript/JavaScript, Python, Rust, C++, C.

    Project mention: Show HN: Qrframe – generate beautiful qrcodes with code | | 2024-09-30

    If you google "github qr code generator", the top result has a live demo that I've used quite a bit:

  • open-location-code

    Open Location Code is a library to generate short codes, called "plus codes", that can be used as digital addresses where street addresses don't exist.

    Project mention: Japanese addresses: No street names. Block numbers | | 2024-06-14
  • AndroRAT

    A Simple android remote administration tool using sockets. It uses java on the client side and python on the server side

  • fury

    A blazingly fast multi-language serialization framework powered by JIT and zero-copy.

    Project mention: Apache Fury: reflection free and 50x faster serialization framework for graalvm | | 2024-10-05
  • Apache Avro

    Apache Avro is a data serialization system.

    Project mention: Open Table Formats Such as Apache Iceberg Are Inevitable for Analytical Data | | 2024-01-18

    Apache AVRO [1] is one but it has been largely replaced by Parquet [2] which is a hybrid row/columnar format


  • javacpp-presets

    The missing Java distribution of native C++ libraries

  • LakeSoul

    LakeSoul is an end-to-end, realtime and cloud native Lakehouse framework with fast data ingestion, concurrent update and incremental data analytics on cloud storages for both BI and AI applications.

  • Apache ActiveMQ

    Mirror of Apache ActiveMQ

  • CloudStack

    Apache CloudStack is an opensource Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing platform

    Project mention: The 50 best open-source alternatives to popular SaaS software | | 2024-07-10

    GitHub: CloudStack GitHub Repository

  • Project-Euler-solutions

    Runnable code for solving Project Euler problems in Java, Python, Mathematica, Haskell. (by nayuki)

  • pysonar2

    PySonar2: a semantic indexer for Python with interprocedual type inference

  • plc4x

    PLC4X The Industrial IoT adapter

  • py4j

    Py4J enables Python programs to dynamically access arbitrary Java objects

  • hopsworks

    Hopsworks - Data-Intensive AI platform with a Feature Store

  • systemds

    An open source ML system for the end-to-end data science lifecycle

  • Repeat

    Cross-platform mouse/keyboard record/replay and automation hotkeys/macros creation, and more advanced automation features.

  • timefold-solver

    The open source Solver AI for Java, Python and Kotlin to optimize scheduling and routing. Solve the vehicle routing problem, employee rostering, task assignment, maintenance scheduling and other planning problems.

    Project mention: The Design and Implementation of the CPython Virtual Machine | | 2024-09-01

    wrapping the class/function, or extending the class, some cannot. For example:

    - Change calls of function `foo` to function `bar`.

    - Compute the automatic differentiation of a function [3].

    - Translate python code blocks to another language for interoperability (for instance, to Java or SQL).

    The way most library authors do it instead is by reading the AST, which is mostly stable.

    [1], a Python bytecode to Java bytecode translator, written to avoid excessive overhead caused by FFI calls (the new foreign Java API largely removes the overhead).



NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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Java Python related posts

  • QR Code generator library (Java, TypeScript, Python, Rust, C++, and C)

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  • blade-build VS Bazel - a user suggested alternative

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  • Ask HN: Does (or why does) anyone use MapReduce anymore?

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  • Open Table Formats Such as Apache Iceberg Are Inevitable for Analytical Data

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  • Apache Pulsar VS quix-streams - a user suggested alternative

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  • flink-statefun VS quix-streams - a user suggested alternative

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  • A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub | 11 Oct 2024
    SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives Learn more →


What are some of the best open-source Python projects in Java? This list will help you:

Project Stars
1 Selenium WebDriver 30,482
2 Apache Flink 23,917
3 ANTLR 17,062
4 Deeplearning4j 13,628
5 aws-doc-sdk-examples 9,498
6 beam 7,808
7 QR-Code-generator 5,253
8 open-location-code 4,066
9 AndroRAT 3,059
10 fury 3,043
11 Apache Avro 2,911
12 javacpp-presets 2,657
13 LakeSoul 2,370
14 Apache ActiveMQ 2,297
15 CloudStack 2,045
16 Project-Euler-solutions 1,886
17 pysonar2 1,381
18 plc4x 1,254
19 py4j 1,185
20 hopsworks 1,146
21 systemds 1,030
22 Repeat 1,029
23 timefold-solver 939

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