Java Decompiler

Open-source Java projects categorized as Decompiler

Top 12 Java Decompiler Projects

  • jadx

    Dex to Java decompiler

    Project mention: Hunting the Hacker: A Deep Dive into Courier Fraud | | 2024-07-20

    Suspicious of the request, our colleague forwarded the APK to me, knowing my expertise in software development and cybersecurity. My investigation began by downloading and extracting the contents of the APK. Inside, I found several dex files, which I knew contained the app's compiled source code. Using a tool called jadx, (jadx -d extractedapkfile) I decompiled the APK to inspect its source code.

  • SaaSHub

    SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

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  • bytecode-viewer

    A Java 8+ Jar & Android APK Reverse Engineering Suite (Decompiler, Editor, Debugger & More)

  • Recaf

    The modern Java bytecode editor

  • jpexs-decompiler

    JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler

    Project mention: Arqueología Tech: Roleplay un juego de cartas hecho en Visual Basic 6 | | 2024-02-21
  • fernflower

    Unofficial mirror of FernFlower Java decompiler (All pulls should be submitted upstream)

  • vineflower

    Modern Java decompiler aiming to be as accurate as possible, with an emphasis on output quality. Fork of the Fernflower decompiler.

  • Bytecoder

    Framework to interpret and transpile JVM bytecode to JavaScript, OpenCL or WebAssembly.

  • Cosmic-IDE

    A next-gen Ide for JVM development on Android

  • GhidRust

    GhidRust: Rust decompiler plugin for Ghidra

  • decompiler

    Java Decompiler GUI

  • ghidra-unSP

    SLEIGH specification for u'nSP

  • ls-annotations

    Show all declarations with java annotations by decompiling byte code.

NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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What are some of the best open-source Decompiler projects in Java? This list will help you:

Project Stars
1 jadx 42,062
2 bytecode-viewer 14,725
3 Recaf 6,080
4 jpexs-decompiler 4,632
5 fernflower 3,510
6 vineflower 1,317
7 Bytecoder 902
8 Cosmic-IDE 510
9 GhidRust 257
10 decompiler 205
11 ghidra-unSP 13
12 ls-annotations 8

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