
vue-toastification | pinia-plugin-persistedstate | |
2 | 8 | |
3,227 | 2,216 | |
1.3% | 1.9% | |
0.0 | 9.0 | |
12 months ago | about 2 months ago | |
TypeScript | TypeScript | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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Any advise when starting jumping in Vuex
If you use a standard Pinia store, you can use plug-ins. For example, you can use pinia-plugin-persistedstate to let the user start each new session where they left off. Or you can use pinia-orm to simplify handling large amounts of tabular data.
Is there a way to use $subscribe from Pinia in Nuxt 2 using Options API?
How about this plugin, then?:
What's your approach for choosing whether to make new child components "smart" or "dumb"? [example scenario inside]
When your application starts, fill your Pinia/Vuex store with data from the user's previous session. This is done automatically by pinia-plugin-persistedstate or the Vuex equivalent.
What are some of the best/most useful Vue libraries you've used?
pinia-plugin-persistedstate: keeps your Pinia store synced with the user's browser localStorage. In other words, if your user closes their browser and then returns to your Vue app later, they will have the same state as when they left.
Drag and drop
You also mentioned that the positions should be stored in localStorage. I would store the positions in Pinia, and then add the pinia-plugin-persistedstate plug-in. It's one import statement and one line of code to add that plugin, and then your Pinia state is automatically persisted in localStorage. It beats having to write and troubleshoot the storage logic yourself.
How do you persist Pinia state across reloads
I've used the pinia-plugin-persistedstate package and has worked fine for me.
Why won't my Vue 3 Pinia store persist state even with the Pinia Persisted State plugin?
I have a Vue 3 / TypeScript app that uses a combination of Firebase, Pinia, Vue Concurrency, and the Pinia Persisted State Plugin.
What are some alternatives?
vue3-toastify - 🎉 Vue3-Toastify allows you to add notifications to your app with ease.
localForage - đź’ľ Offline storage, improved. Wraps IndexedDB, WebSQL, or localStorage using a simple but powerful API.
real-world-vue - The application that we build in Vue Mastery's courses starting with Real World Vue
vue-supabase-tpa-demo - Third-Party Authentication (Github) demo Vue 3 + TypeScript + Pinia app using Supabase
vue-cli-plugin-jest-serializer-vue-tjw - Vue CLI Plugin wrapper for Jest Serializer Vue (TJW)
pinia-shared-state - 🍍 Sync your Pinia state across browser tabs.
sidebase - sidebase is the productive way to build fullstack Nuxt 3 applications: sidebase is a web app development kit to build production ready fullstack apps quickly. We build sidebase to provide a modular, modern, fully-typed and best-practice approach to make your ideas a reality.
react-native-toast-message - Animated toast message component for React Native
Vue.Draggable - Vue drag-and-drop component based on Sortable.js
vuejs-confirm-dialog - Makes simple to create, reuse, promisify and build chains of modal dialogs in Vue.js
vue-good-table - An easy to use powerful data table for vuejs with advanced customizations including sorting, column filtering, pagination, grouping etc