
vim-signify | delimitMate | |
13 | 8 | |
2,698 | 1,994 | |
0.0% | 0.1% | |
1.8 | 2.1 | |
7 months ago | 7 months ago | |
Vim Script | Vim Script | |
MIT License | - |
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How to configure vim like an IDE
Alterntatively, I've been using vim-signify, as we use subversion at work
Why is the colorscheme not applied at specific region?
I wonder why beneath the plus (from vim-signify) the colorscheme is not fully extending to edge of the screen.
Margin indicator for Neovim
That said, Neovim can still run most Vimscript plugins just fine, so you can still use (and and, which are mentioned in the README) if you want.
:DiffOrig changes reflected in sign column
vim-signify or git gutter can do this for files managed by git.
- what is your startup time?
- Which editor do you use for your Go coding?
E849: Too many highlight syntax groups
And it happens fairly regularly. This particular error happens in the plugin, but I would get this same error from different plugins as well.
Using Git From Vim
mhinz/vim-signify highlights the changes similarly to git-gutter
I've given up vim-gitgutter for mhinz/vim-signify because of performance. But vim-gitgutter has this one killer feature for staging the hunk currently under the cursor. This feature doesn't exist elsewhere.
Show git deltas in editor
I use :Gdiffsplit from which opens a diff window. And I use to have some info at all time
- Closing brackets are highlighted in red when in the init.vim file
Smartest auto-pair plugin nowadays?
A couple of years ago I chose delimitMate as plugin to automatically insert matching parenthesis, quotation marks etc. In the mean time I saw many new plugins getting announced that do the same. But I was quite happy with my choice and despite Lua rewrites I haven't seen anything obvious interesting.
How to get past the closest ` ' " ) ] } without having to press the same symbol?
Delimitmate actually made a mapping for that.
- .vimrc Configuration
(neo)vim users, what does your haskell setup look like?
Vim Configuration from Minimal to Complete
delimitmate to automatically close quotes, etc
Some front-end developers here?
delimitMate - autoclose quotes, parenthesis, brackets and so on
[Noob] expand curly braces and place cursor on newline?
I suggest you to look at delimitMate plugin. It does what you want and much more. See option delimitMate_expand_cr
What are some alternatives?
vim-gitgutter - A Vim plugin which shows git diff markers in the sign column and stages/previews/undoes hunks and partial hunks.
vim-surround - surround.vim: Delete/change/add parentheses/quotes/XML-tags/much more with ease
vim-fugitive - fugitive.vim: A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal
vim-awesome - Awesome Vim plugins from across the universe
gv.vim - A git commit browser in Vim
coc-vetur - Vue language server extension for coc.nvim
vim-closetag - Auto close (X)HTML tags
vim-multiple-cursors - True Sublime Text style multiple selections for Vim
vim-doge - (Do)cumentation (Ge)nerator for nearly 20 languages 📚 Generate proper code documentation with a single keypress. ⚡️🔥
tabout.nvim - tabout plugin for neovim
vim-sleuth - sleuth.vim: Heuristically set buffer options