
vanilla-lazyload | splide | |
9 | 25 | |
7,749 | 4,998 | |
0.2% | 0.8% | |
7.8 | 0.0 | |
about 1 month ago | 7 months ago | |
JavaScript | TypeScript | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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How to Lazy Load Html Videos
Vanilla-lazyload :
Lazy load all images top to bottom
Hi all, I'm using verlok/vanilla-lazyload to make an image-based reader with thresholds: "200% 0px". The problem I'm facing is that it waits till the user scroll to load the following image and becomes slow to load images when fast scrolling. What I want to do is when the first image is loaded all the following images should load in order without relying on the user's scroll but if the reader jumps to the middle of the page then it should prioritize loading images around the reader's location. How can I achieve this? Or is there a better way to approach this issue?
Native lazy-loading - Why doesn't the video element have it?
Google recommends using a lazy loading library such vanilla-lazyload, or you can write your own JavaScript code.
Beginners Guide to Web Performance: Optimizing Images
If you want to guarantee lazy-load across all (JavaScript-capable) browsers and not just images, I've used Vanilla Lazyload a couple years ago with success, but as this relies on using a data-src attribute, you will get W3C validation errors unless you also set a src attribute. But you don't want to set the src to a real image, because this will nullify the whole point of using the plugin, so set it to a 1x1 pixel "image" that will immediately get replaced by the data-src once the image scrolls into view.
Native lazy-loading of images with zero Javascript
There are a lot of snippets and scripts like vanilla-lazyload out there that enable lazy-loading via javascript. In almost all cases a data attribute is used to prevent upfront image loading.
LQIP in Rails using Thumbor and base64
Right, time to put the base64 images to use. What you want to do is to use these as placeholders while the full image is loading. I usually use vanilla-lazyload for this. It is a simple and tiny project that gets the job done. Do mind that if you use Turbolinks you have to make sure that vanilla-lazyload does its thing after Turbolinks is done. If you use Webpacker it will look something like this in your application.js file:
Finally made my first Django web application
I got a 500 error when I checked your site but for deployment tips... Running python check —deploy (or in some cases it’s python3... instead if python...) shows the deployment checklist of Django. You should also minimize and remove unused css and js. Try to research on purgecss and other similar web techs. Optimizing images is also important. I also saw that you are serving a lot of images from your readme in github so maybe you should consider lazyload.
+2300 Notion Icons
There is a decent library to do the work for you. Only add some classes to your images and boom, they're already using the library.
How Can I Make 15mb Images Load Faster
Try lazy loading, either using a js class (like or use the html lazy loading attribute (
- SplideJS – The lightweight, flexible and accessible slider/carousel
XHR not loading in Safari on MacOS?
I am initializing a JS library called Splide (v4.1.2) but images don’t seem to load in Safari. I get this error message, which I think has to do with the XMLHttpRequest:
Build A Reusable Carousel With React And Splide.js
In this article, you will build a reusable carousel component using React and Splide.Js — a lightweight and versatile slider library.
- Advice on creating an animation like this for my opening page?
How to make sliders swipeable, just like instagram carousels ?
Check out Splide Slide. There are a lot of different sliders to choose from. You'll have to know a little about javascript to be able to use it, which can get a little tricky. Timothy Ricks has a couple tutorials on how to implement it. This one in particular.
Trying to remember the name of a library...
Maybe this
What is your favourite slider module?
I used in recent projects.
Do developers create carousels from scratch most of the time?
Thoughts on Splide? It’s also really good & lightweight
What is this designed called? And how would you make this in tailwindcss? I tried searching carusel, card ,card carusel, scrolling cards etc.
You can easily achieve that with a js package such as
How do I get different carousels like this?
Slick is a very popular carousel, I use splide but either one would be able to make a slider like that
What are some alternatives?
lazysizes - High performance and SEO friendly lazy loader for images (responsive and normal), iframes and more, that detects any visibility changes triggered through user interaction, CSS or JavaScript without configuration.
Swiper - Most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions
react-lazy-load-image-component - React Component to lazy load images and components using a HOC to track window scroll position.
Glide.js - A dependency-free JavaScript ES6 slider and carousel. It’s lightweight, flexible and fast. Designed to slide. No less, no more
loading-attribute-polyfill - Fast and lightweight dependency-free vanilla JavaScript polyfill for native lazy loading / the awesome loading='lazy'-attribute.
slick - the last carousel you'll ever need
sveltekit-simple-image-gallery - Simple Svelte responsive image gallery: create a ribbon gallery, using Svelte dimension bindings to maintain the aspect ratio of all images.
Flickity - :leaves: Touch, responsive, flickable carousels
webp-hero - browser polyfill for the webp image format
Embla Carousel - A lightweight carousel library with fluid motion and great swipe precision.
ElementsJS - A lightweight DOM Manipulation library for VanillaJS
keen-slider - The HTML touch slider carousel with the most native feeling you will get.