
tsdoc | compodoc | |
16 | 21 | |
4,787 | 4,029 | |
0.3% | 0.3% | |
7.6 | 9.1 | |
2 months ago | 7 days ago | |
TypeScript | TypeScript | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.
Taking LLMs to (code) town - part II. Creating a vanilla.js web component toolchain from ground up
TSDoc Parser
Jsdoc Cheatsheet
For what it’s worth, there’s also TSDoc[1] which is TypeScript’s sorta-equivalent spiritual successor, and notably uses the same format as JSDoc. Inline type annotation is great—and I vastly prefer it to JSDoc as a type annotation mechanism—but supporting the breadth of documentation capability in an inline code position would probably be unwieldy no matter how you try to accommodate it.
1: https://tsdoc.org/
What am I Missing (or Could Benefit From Using) For My Stack?
Docs? TSdoc + TypeDoc or DocFX. Of particular interest, this can be used to generate JSON schema's, useful for REST / GraphQL
Complete rewrite of ESLint (GitHub discussion by the creator)
Nope, they look the same, at a glance, but they're not the same. JSDoc and TSDoc are different standards, developed by different teams.
- tsc doesn't convert jsdoc types into real typescript
How to properly document components
JSDoc is a terrible standard. I would rather go for TypeScript + TSDoc, then use TypDoc to generate the actual documentation based on TS typings. Alternatively, you can go for Vue Styleguidist. It's an excellent tool, but, opposite to TSDoc it's not a standard, it's just a tool.
Using @microsoft/tsdoc for documenting functions
I am trying to use the @microsoft/tsdoc package to generate documentation for a given file. I followed the demo that hey have provided https://github.com/microsoft/tsdoc/tree/main/api-demo and it works for the sample input they provided, shown below.
Is it better to use the JSDoc return type or TypeScript return type?
Maybe this is of interest? https://tsdoc.org/
- TSDoc – Documentation Your TypeScript in Code
Neogen - The annotation toolkit you never knew you needed
Awesome, thank you! Would you be willing to support TSDoc ?
Générer des documentations pour une application Angular, Nest JS, Vue JS, Node JS
Découvrez la page officielle de Compodoc !
- What documentation generator do you use for Angular libraries?
The best Angular 15 Starter Project
✅ Angular 15 ✅ Angular Material ✅ Unit Testing with Jest ✅ End-to-End Testing with [TestCafé](https://testcafe.io/ ✅ Internationalization with Transloco ✅ Auto documentation with Compodoc ✅ Analyse your project with webpack-bundle-analyzer ✅ Docker ✅ ESLint ✅ Prettier ✅ Commit Linting ✅ AuditJS Audit this application using Sonatype OSS Index ✅ Auto-generate a CHANGELOG with auto-changelog
Documentation culture
Properly written code, there are documentation tool like this for Angular and others. https://compodoc.app/
Are there any Angular Modules, components, services relationship Mapping tools? Apart from Angular Augury.
Compodoc is a good tool for generating docs for an angular project. The documents generated also includes visual maps of dependencies.
I write more documents than code, but it comes with its struggles. Do you feel the same?
App documentation, here is compodoc (https://compodoc.app/) It is generated when the dev does a git commit and build in the pipeline.
Documenting Angular projects
Finally, we have come to a point where we want our JSDoc comment documentations to turn into a full scale documentation website, which we can share with new developers instead of providing lengthy Word documents, or which can be used by the team to search for explanations and direction during development. Thankfully, there are amazing tools that help us build such sites easily, with just a console command. Today we will be exploring one such tool called Compodoc, which is a documentation website generator specifically designed for Angular projects (it also supports Nest and Stencil, but we will focus on Angular).
Which tool for code documentation has worked best for you in an environment based on Nrwl/Nx, Angular, NestJS and TypeScript?
We use Compodoc in our applications. You write JSDoc comments and it does the hard work of creating the documentation for you.
🚀 Angular 13 + ESLint, Material + Transloco + Jest, TestCafe + Docker + Prettier 🚀
npm run compodoc - generate compodoc documentation
The best Angular 13 Starter Project
✅ Angular 13 ✅ Angular Material ✅ Unit Testing with Jest ✅ End-to-End Testing with [TestCafé](https://testcafe.io/ ✅ Internationalization with Transloco ✅ Auto documentation with Compodoc ✅ Analyse your project with webpack-bundle-analyzer ✅ Docker ✅ ESLint ✅ Prettier ✅ Commit Linting ✅ AuditJS Audit this application using Sonatype OSS Index ✅ Auto-generate a CHANGELOG with auto-changelog
What are some alternatives?
typedoc - Documentation generator for TypeScript projects.
storybook - 📓 The UI component explorer. Develop, document, & test React, Vue, Angular, Web Components, Ember, Svelte & more! [Moved to: https://github.com/storybookjs/storybook]
neogen - A better annotation generator. Supports multiple languages and annotation conventions.
ngx-virtual-scroller - Virtual Scroll displays a virtual, "infinite" list.
vscode-docthis - JSDoc generator extension for Visual Studio Code.
webpack-bundle-analyzer - Webpack plugin and CLI utility that represents bundle content as convenient interactive zoomable treemap
tree-sitter-comment - Tree-sitter grammar for comment tags like TODO, FIXME(user).
ngd - View the dependencies tree of you Angular application
vim-doge - (Do)cumentation (Ge)nerator for nearly 20 languages 📚 Generate proper code documentation with a single keypress. ⚡️🔥
Angular-Full-Stack - Angular Full Stack project built using Angular, Express, Mongoose and Node. Whole stack in TypeScript.
ts-morph - TypeScript Compiler API wrapper for static analysis and programmatic code changes.
angular-starter - :rocket: Angular 19 Starter with Storybook, Transloco, Jest, Cypress, Docker, ESLint, Material & Prettier :rocket: