YARP | Nginx | |
36 | 105 | |
8,424 | 21,235 | |
1.3% | 2.0% | |
8.9 | 8.7 | |
9 days ago | 8 days ago | |
C# | C | |
MIT License | BSD 2-clause "Simplified" License |
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Building a Centralized API Proxy with YARP in .NET 8 Using Minimal APIs
YARP is highly customizable, allowing you to implement advanced routing strategies, add middleware for logging and authentication, and even configure load balancing algorithms. For more information, you can refer to the official YARP documentation.
Is Internet facing Kestrel in dotnet 7.0+ safe?
Adding to the other answers here, you might find some useful functionality in YARP if you want a pure .NET reverse proxy. Like Kestrel, Microsoft dogfoods YARP in Azure.
- Self hosting a proxy server, for use with HttpClient.
.NET Monthly Roundup - January 2023
➡️ Release 2.0.0-RC.1 · microsoft/reverse-proxy · GitHub ➡️ Visual Studio 2022 17.5 Preview 3 is here!
- converting framework4.8 webapps to NetCore (Net5,6,7). any apps available to help?
- Issue: ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR for DigitalOcean Droplet
- Injecting a unique ID between two TCP streams
ASP.NET Core rate limiting middleware in .NET 7
In your application, you may be using YARP, to build a reverse proxy gateway sitting in front of various backend applications. For example, you may run YARP to listen on example.org, and have it proxy all requests going to this domain while mapping /api and /docs to different web apps running on diffreent servers.
Cloudflare Ditches Nginx For In-House, Rust-Written Pingora
Microsoft already made YARP for their Azure infrastructure, it's a "build your own reverse proxy" kit.
Running multiple processes on the same port in .NET Core 3.1
If I was to need one I would probably reach for YARP (Yet Another Reverse Proxy) from MS. https://microsoft.github.io/reverse-proxy/
story of upgrading rails 5.x to 7.x
We split the staging server into two instances using Ubuntu 22.04 as the base image. The first instance is for a web server with nginx, passenger and MySQL. The second instance is for the support server and this is where we install redis, memcache, mongodb and resque.
Reveal SafeLine WAF's High Traffic Handling Secrets: How SafeLine Leverages Nginx
Nginx is described on its official website as:
- Nginx-1.26.2 / Nginx-1.27.1 (dev) released with a CVE-2024-7347 fix
OpenResty on NixOS for an API Gateway
Two of the fairly popular open-source API gateways, Kong and Apache APISIX, are based on OpenResty that is mainly powered by Nginx and Lua. NixOS has first-class support for OpenResty. So, naturally, I decided to give it a try. The result was promising enough for us to start migrating our current APISIX deployments to OpenResty on NixOS.
How to Tune and Deploy Your First Small Language Model (sLLM)
If you want to deploy it to a server, you can unpack the ModelKit to a server, run Dev Mode and configure an Nginx server. By default, Dev Mode randomly chooses a port to serve the web interface; you can override that behavior by specifying the --port parameter: kit dev start --port 8000. A sample Nginx configuration file will then look like this:
Simple Nginx Docker Proxy with high availability and security
With your project and its sole Dockerfile, Docker-Blue-Green-Runner manages the remainder of the Continuous Deployment (CD) process with wait-for-it, consul-template and Nginx.
Nginx 1.26.0 Stable Released
Yeah, unless I'm looking at it wrong, there doesn't seem to be any meaningful difference between 1.25.5 and 1.26.0:
How to securely reverse-proxy ASP.NET Core web apps
However, it's very unlikely that .NET developers will directly expose their Kestrel-based web apps to the internet. Typically, we use other popular web servers like Nginx, Traefik, and Caddy to act as a reverse-proxy in front of Kestrel for various reasons:
- Ask HN: Is nginx.org (the domain-name itself) gone?
Freenginx: Core Nginx Developer Announces Fork of Popular Web Server
> I actually don't understand why I am seeing arguments like this all the time.
Have a look at:
It's got the whole checklist: nginx idiosyncratic module system, inline parsing, custom utf conversion, buffer preallocation and adjustments, linked lists, comments about side effects of custom allocator, and probably other things.
It's not easy to deal with source like that and any serious improvement to that area would effectively be a rewrite anyway.
Since anything doing work in nginx is a module anyway, it wouldn't even have to be a full rewrite in one go.
What are some alternatives?
envoy - Cloud-native high-performance edge/middle/service proxy
Caddy - Fast and extensible multi-platform HTTP/1-2-3 web server with automatic HTTPS
IdentityServer - The most flexible and standards-compliant OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.x framework for ASP.NET Core
Squid - Squid Web Proxy Cache
Keycloak - Open Source Identity and Access Management For Modern Applications and Services
Serilog - Simple .NET logging with fully-structured events
nestjs-monorepo-microservices-proxy - Example of how to implement a Nestjs monorepo with no shared folder
Fake JSON Server - Fake JSON Server is a Fake REST API that can be used as a Back End for prototyping or as a template for a CRUD Back End.
Hiawatha - Hiawatha is an open source webserver with security, easy to use and lightweight as the three key features. Hiawatha supports among others (Fast)CGI, IPv6, URL rewriting and reverse proxy. It has security features no other webserver has, like blocking SQL injections, XSS and CSRF attacks and exploit attempts. The built-in monitoring tool makes it perfect for large scale deployments.
Mockaco - 🐵 HTTP mock server, useful to stub services and simulate dynamic API responses, leveraging ASP.NET Core features, built-in fake data generation and pure C# scripting
darkhttpd - When you need a web server in a hurry.